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热点句二:It (all) depends.

去年全国有两套试卷考查了此交际口语的用法(答案 1—2 BC)

1.— How often do you eat out ?

     , but usually once a week. (2004天津卷)

A. Have no idea                    B. It depends 

C. As usual                          D. Generally speaking

2. —How long are you staying?

—I don’t know._______. (2004江苏卷)

A. That’s OK                    B. Never mind    

C. It depends                     D. It doesn’t matter


—Will you do skiing with me this winter vacation?

—It _______. (2002上海)

A. all depend                      B. all depends 

C. is all depended               D. is all depending


—It’s cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.

—_____. (2005湖南卷)

A. Yes, take it easy          B. Well, it just depends

C. OK, just in case          D. All right, you’re welcome

不过,此道题的答案不是B,而是C。比较:take it easy 不要急,慢慢来;it just depends 那要看情况;just in case 以防万一;you’re welcome 不用谢。像这样不是直接考查 it depends 的用法,而是将其作为干扰项出现的情形,在各省的高考命题中也时有出现。如:

—What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.

—_____. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. (2004浙江)

A. It just depends                 B. It’s up to you

C. All right                      D. Glad to hear that

此题答案选B。比较:It just depends 那要看情况;It’s up to you 这由你决定;All right 好吧;Glad to hear that 听到这事很高兴。


it depends 也可说成 it all depends, it just depends, that (all, just) depends 等,有时甚至只说 depends。主要用于表示某事或某情况还没有决定,得看情况而定,通常译为这很难说”“那要看情况。如:

I may help you, but that depends. 我可能会帮你,但那要看情况。(from www.nmet168.com)

Sometimes we’re busy and sometimes we’re not so busy. It all depends. 有时我们很忙,有时我们不太忙,这要看情况。

A: Are you going to the dance this Saturday? 这周星期六你去跳舞吗?

B: It all depends. Are you going yourself? 到时候看情况而定,你去吗?





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