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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2007-10-19
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五分清分清是it(=the+名词)还是one(=a+名词);分清是特指(the)还是泛指(the);分清是单数还是复数;分清指两者(both, either, neither)还是三者(all, any, none);分清是肯定还是否定。

1.Shakespeare is the greatest English writerwill there ever be such _____?

A. other                        B. the other            C. another                    D. other one

2. He was holding the wheel with one hand and waving with _____.

A. other                        B. the other            C. another                    D. others’

3. I can’t do the fourth and fifth questions but I’ve done _____.

A. all                            B. all others            C. all the other              D. all the others

4. What would you do if _____ tried to rob you in the street?

A. someone                  B. no one               C. none                        D. any

5. Can you ask _____ to help you? I’m really busy.

A. someone else            B. everyone else     C. else someone            D. else everyone

6. Don’t just stand there — do _____!

A. something                B. everything         C. anything                   D. nothing

7. _____ likes money, but money is not _____.

A. Everyone, everything                             B. Anyone, anything

C. Someone, nothing                                 D. Nobody, everything

8. There have been a lot of accidents in the fog. I read about _____ this morning.

A. it                             B. one                   C. that                          D. another

9. Many local businesses are having difficulties, and _____ have even gone bankrupt.

A. many                       B. some                 C. others                      D. the others

10. Oxford is not far from Stratford, so you can easily visit _____ in a day.

A. both                         B. any                   C. either                       D. all

11. Always check the details carefully before you sign _____ written agreement.

A. any                          B. either                C. neither                     D. some

12. The universities have shown _____ if any signs of a willingness to change.

A. few                         B. any                   C. little                         D. much

13. I can’t find my pen—has _____ seen it?

A. anyone                     B. no one               C. everyone                  D. none

14. “Is there any bread left?” “No, _____ at all.”

A. no one                     B. neither               C. not                          D. none

15. We can offer a comfortable home to a young person of _____ sex.

A. both                         B. any                   C. neither                     D. either

16. They’re all free — take ____ you like.

A. it                            B. either                C. any                         D. that

17. _____ of the students had done their homework but most hadn’t.

A. Some                       B. All                    C. None                       D. Both

18. “Would you like some more tea?” “Just _____.”

A. little                         B. a little                C. few                         D. a few

19. The man sat in the back of the car with a policeman on _____ side.

A. both                         B. any                   C. all                            D. either

20. I can’t find the pen I was given. Have you seen _____?

A. one                          B. it                      C. that                          D. another


1—5 CBDAA  6—10 AABBA 11—15 AAADD 16—20 CABDB




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