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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2007-10-19
        ★★★ 【字体:




1. “I like you more than her, my dear.” “You mean more than ____love her or more than she loves ____?”

A. you, me               B. she, you                C. I, me                D. I, you

分析:做对此题的关键是要弄清填空句是个省略句,补充完整为 You mean that you love me more than you love her or that you love me more than she loves me? 句意为你是说你爱我胜过你爱她,还是说你爱我胜过她爱我?,所以答案应选A。若选其他答案,从语法上也是对的,但不合情理。

2. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _____IQ.

A. a high                 B. a higher                 C. the higher           D. the highest

分析:此题答案为B。此句实为Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has a higher IQ than him之省略。省略than him后不仅句意仍然清楚,而且显得更为简洁。句意为“……我怀疑班上有没有哪个人比他智商更高,即我认为他可能是班上智商最高的。请再看以下类似的题目(分析理由同上,答案均选A)

(1) How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _____ voice.

A. a better                B. a best                    C. the better          D. the best

(2) “I’ve never found _______ job.” “Congratulations.”

A. a better                B. a best                    C. the better           D. the best

(3) “What do you think of the service here?” “Oh, wonderful. We couldn’t have found _______ place.”

A. a better                B. a best                    C. the better           D. the best

(4) How cold it is! We’ve never had ______ day this winter.

A. a colder                B. a cold                    C. the coldest          D. the colder




1. I think I can fix it tomorrow. If ______, you’ll have to wait till Friday.

A. not                      B. can’t                      C. don’t                  D. won’t

分析:答案应选Aif notif I can’t fix it tomorrow 之省略。其中的if I can’t fix it tomorrow与前面的 I can fix it tomorrow一致。注意,此题不能选B,因为句子已省略了主语。下面请再看一个类似的例子:

If the weather is fine, we’ll go. If _____, _____.

A. not, not                B. no, no                   C. not, no               D. no, not

此题应选AIf not, not. If the weather is NOT fine, we will NOT go. 全句意为如果天气好, 我们就去;如果天气不好,我们就不去。该句的特点是:后句与前句的用词和句式完全相同, 只是前句为肯定,后句为否定,为了简洁起见, 于是将后句与前句相同部分省略,只保留否定词 not

2. They are different in form but _____ in meaning.

A. not                      B. no                         C. aren’t                  D. don’t

分析:答案选Abut not in meaning but they are not different in meaning 之省略。又如:

(1) In the accident the child was hurt, but the mother _____.

A. killing                   B. to kill                    C. killed                   D. kill

答案选Cbut the mother killed but the mother was killed 之省略。

(2) The apartment’s fine for two people, but _____.

A. no more                B. no any                  C. not more             D. not any

答案选Cbut not more but it is not fine for more than two people 之省略。


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