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下列各组单词中有三个单词的元音读音相同,只有一个单词例外。要求在读音不同的单词下面划一横线  (本题共5分,每小题0. 5)  

例:reach / heat / leave / head

1. form / word / born / torn

2. foot / good / flood / look

3. walk / talk / chalk / calm

4. five / give / dive / drive

5. watch / match / catch / snatch

6. few / new / knew / sew

7. house / south / soul / mouth

8. wall / shall / fall / call

9. none / chose / note / close

10. grown / known / thrown / town



用每句后面所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整。每个空格只填一个英语单词  (本题共10分,每个空格1)  

例:He was pleased to get his father’s letter. (pleasure) 

1. He’s very much _______ in science books. (interest) 

2. Polluted air is _______. (poison) 

3. The teacher smiled with _______ at Tom’s answer. (satisfy) 

4. Smoking is _______ to health. (harm) 

5. The _______ of Premier (总理) Zhou Enlai caused deep sorrow among the Chinese people. (die) 

6. He made a good opening _______ at the meeting. (speak) 

7. “Can you tell me the way to the station?” “I’m sorry. I’m a _______ here too.” (strange) 

8. Thank you very much for your _______. (kind) 

9. You can _______ find the answer in the text. (easy) 

10. His opinion sounds _______. (reason) 



下面I栏中有23个单词,其中20个可以在II栏中找到相当的或接近的解释。分别将这20个单词前的编号填入同它相配的解释前的括号内。每个解释只能用一次  (本题共10分,每小题0. 5)  

       I      II

例:i. large     (ii) not beautiful

ii. ugly     (i) big

1. alive    (     ) at once

2. consider     (     ) order somebody not to do

3. discover     (     ) take away

4. enter   (     ) not dead

5. feed    (     ) take place

6. finally  (     ) think about

7. forbid  (     ) certainly

8. happen       (     ) at last

9. immediately (     ) almost not

10 January      (     ) all kinds of

11. join    (     ) make clean with water

12. except      (     ) find out

13. maybe      (     ) the first month of the year

14. remove     (     ) move about without an aim

15. surely       (     ) rich

16. main  (     ) become a member of

17. hardly       (     ) come or go into

18. various     (     ) perhaps

19. visit   (     ) go to see somebody or a place

20. wander     (     ) give food to

21. wash

22. wealthy

23. tour


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