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文章作者:考试中心    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2007-11-01
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第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


例:How much is the shirt?

A. $ 19. 15.          B. $9. 15               C. $9. 18


1. Why does the woman want to go to America?

A. To take language courses.

B. To atrend a conference.

C. To visit some friends.

2. What do know about Peter Smith?

A. He is hoving lunch a home.

B. He is out at the moment.

C. He is talking with Mary;

3. What is said about the woman?

A. She spends more than rheearns.

B. she spends more than rheearns.

C. She has a lght bidgt

4. What do we know about the speakers?

A. They are know traveling in Mexico.

B. They have been to a festivalin Mexico.

C. They painted some pictures in Mexico.

5. What is the woman doing?

A. Helping children with AIDS.

B. Raising money for African children.

C. Collecting information on African children.


第二节(共15小题;每小题4. 5分,满分22. 5分)



6. What was the man doing during the earthquake?

A. Shouting.

B. Running.

C. Sleeping.

7. How was the man when the earthquake took place?

A. He was ill.

B. He was helpless.

C. He was frightened.


8. Why does the boy love Sunday?

A. He can play basketball.

B. He has no classes at school.

C. He can watch sports on TV.

9. What is the boy expected to do?

A. To help with housework.

B. To watch a game on TV.

C. To have a good rest.


10. What is said about medical development in the future?

A. Health care will be free.

B. Cancer may-be cured.

C. AIDS may disappear.

11. What will make distant places more popular for holiday?

A. Better air service.

B. Faster air transport.

C. Lower cost for air travel.

12. What is the topic of this interview?

A. Future ways of travelling.

B. Medical progress in the future.

C. Changes of life in the next decade.


13. Where is the woman going now?

A. To an art museum.

B. To a Chinese restaurant.

C. To an underground station.

14. Why does the woman come to the city?

A. For business.

B. For traveling.

C. For shopping.

15. Why does the man recommend the resthurant to the woman?

A. The service there is good.

B. The food there is tasty.

C. The price there is low.

16. according to the man, which is the best means of transport to the restaurant?

A. The bus.

B. The taxi.

C. The underground.


17. What kind of passage have you just heard?

A. A public lecture.

B. A radio announcement.

C. A government statement.

18. What is the main purpose of the event?

A. To increase people’s sense of environment protection.

B. To invite people to join an environmental organization.

C. To persuade families to have an outing in the mountains.

19. How many trees are going to be planted today?

A. 700                  B. 2000                 C. 4000

20. What does the speaker advise volunteers to do?

A. To learn some tree-planting skills.

B. To come along any time they like.

C. To bring along their gloves.


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