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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2007-12-18
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. If you want a double room that will cost _______ 15.

A. other                                             B. another

C. the other                                       D. others

2. He was holding the wheel with one hand and waving with _______.

A. others                                           B. the other

C. another                                         D. the others

3. It was an enormous ship; there were no _______ than a thousand cars on it.

A. more                                             B. longer

C. fewer                                            D. larger

4. She lost her book and borrowed one from _______ of the girls.

A. other                                             B. others

C. another                                         D. the others

5. They’re all free — take _______ you like.

A. it                                                  B. either

C. any                                               D. all

6. Very few people, if _______, still support this idea.

A. some                                            B. none

C. all                                                 D. any

7. There are four bedrooms, _______ with its own bathroom.

A. all                                                 B. each

C. every                                            D. either

8. You can get there by plane or by boat, but in _______ case it’s very expensive.

A. which                                           B. this

C. any                                               D. either

9. The classroom is almost empty, where is _______?

A. someone                                       B. anyone

C. everyone                                       D. no one

10. _______ likes money, but money is not _______.

A. Everyone, everything                      B. Anyone, anything

C. Someone, nothing                          D. Nobody, everything

11. Her lecture was hard to follow because she kept jumping from one subject to ______.

A. the other                                       B. others

C. the others                                      D. another

12. Your mother would never allow it, and for that matter, _______ would I.

A. so                                                 B. as

C. neither                                          D. the same

13. I’m afraid we can’t have coffee; there’s _______ left.

A. nothing                                         B. none

C. no one                                          D. no any

14. People in the south of England speak in a different way from _______ in the north.

A. that                                               B. who

C. whom                                           D. people


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