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whichever与no matter which的区别
文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2007-12-23
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whicheverno matter which的区别




1. 用于引导名词性从句

Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。

Take whichever you like. 哪个你喜欢你就拿哪个。

Whichever you want is yours. 你要哪个哪个就是你的。

You can take whichever you like. 你爱拿哪个就拿哪个吧。

Take whichever seat you like. 你要坐哪个座就坐哪个座位。

I’ll take whichever books you don’t want. 你不要的任何书我都要。

Whoever gets home first starts cooking the supper. 谁先到家,谁就开始做晚饭。

They may vote in whichever district they choose. 他们可以在他们挑选的任何地区投票。

Whichever (of you) comes in first will receive a prize. 无论(你们)谁先到都可以得奖。

Whichever of them gains the most points wins. 他们中哪一个得分最多,哪一个就赢。

Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中不管谁先到家,就开始做饭。

Both sides have agreed to recognize whichever group wins a majority vote. 无论哪一派获得多数票,双方都同意予以认可。

Whichever of us survives will do so for us both. 我们两个无论哪个还活着都会为双方这样做。

2. 用于引导让步状语从句

Whichever side wins, I shall be satisfied. 不管哪边赢,我都会感到满意。

It has the same result whichever way you do it. 不管你怎么做结果都一样。

Whichever direction he came from he still arrived at the same point. 不管他是从哪个方向来的,他依然到达了相同的地点。

It never looked any better whichever way I looked at it. 无论我从哪个角度去看,它都从未有什么起色。(from www.nmet168.com)


二、no matter which的用法

no matter which只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句。如:

No matter which side wins, I shall be happy. 不管哪边赢,我都会高兴。

No matter which you choose, they will be offended. 不管你选哪个,他们都会不高兴。

No matter which method you use, the result is much the same. 不论你用哪一种方法,结果都差不多。

No matter which plan you adopt, you will encounter difficulties. 不管你采取哪个计划,你都会碰到困难。

【注意】这样用的no matter which与引导状语从句的whichever用法相同,有时可互换。如:

No matter which of them you marry, you’ll have problems.

=Whichever of them you marry, you’ll have problems.


文章录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 
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