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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2007-12-23
      ★★★ 【字体:




1. 请求约会的常用套语

Are you free this afternoon? 今天下午你有空吗?

Are you doing anything special tonight? 今晚你有什么事吗?

Do you happen to be free this Sunday? 本周星期天你有空吗?

Are you going to be busy this evening? 今晚你忙吗?

I’d like to call on you tomorrow. 我想明天来找你。

I’d like to see [meet]you this evening. 我想今晚找你。

Will you be free next Monday? 下星期一你有空吗?

There is something I’d like to talk over with you. I wonder if you’d be free tonight. 我有点事找你商量,不知你今晚是否有空?

I wonder if you will be free this afternoon? 不知你今天下午是否有空?

Will it be convenient to see you on Monday? 星期一见面方便吗?

2. 定约会时间的常用套语:

How about this afternoon? 今天下午怎么样?

Shall we meet at 4:30? 四点半见面好吗?

Can you make it tomorrow? 明天能行吗?

How is eight o’clock. 8点怎么样?

Is next Sunday OK? 下周星期天行吗?

Will nine o’clock be all right? 9点行吗?

When shall I come? 我什么时候来?

When shall I see you? 我什么时候来见你?

What’s the best time to meet? 什么时候见面最好?

Will tomorrow suit you? 明天对你合适吗?

Would tomorrow be convenient to you? 明天你方便吗?

3. 对请求约会及约会时间的回答(肯定)

Yes. I’ll be free then. 好,那时有空。

Yes. That’s all right. 好,没事。

Any time is all right. 随便哪个时间都行。

I’ll be free next Sunday. 下周星期天我有空。

All right. See you then. 好,到时见。

I’ll be expecting you then. 到时我等你。

OK. Let’s make it tomorrow. 好,就定在明天吧。

That’ll be quite all right. 那很好。(from www.nmet168.com)


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