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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-01-09
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动词语态是高考语法考题的一个重要考点, 几乎每年都考。并且语态考查还常常与时态或非谓语动词绕在一起, 进行综合考查。


1. 只有及物动词才有被动语态

2. 及物动词必须有宾语, 否则就应用被动语态

3. “双宾动词”(即带双宾语的动词)若只有一个动词, 也应是被动语态

4. 记住几个中国学生常误用被动语态的不及物动词:take place 发生 / happen 发生 / break out 爆发 / last 持续 / appear 出现 / disappear 消失 等等。

请看几道高考实例:(from www.nmet168.com)

(1) I _______ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.

A. gave                                            B. was given

C. to give                                         D. be giving B

(2) The police found that the house _______ and a lot of things_______.

A. has broken into; has been stolen      B. had broken into; had been stolen

C. has been broken into; stolen            D. had been broken into; stolen D

(3) When and where to build the new factory _______ yet.

A. is not decided                                B. are not decided            

C. has not decided                             D. have not decided A

(4) —Have you moved into the new house?

—Not yet. The rooms _______.

A. are being painted                           B. are painting  

C. are painted                                    D. are being painting A

(5) In some parts of the world, tea _______ with milk and sugar.

A. is serving                                     B. is served

C. serves                                          D. served B

(6) I need one more stamp before my collection _______.

A. has completed                               B. completes

C. has been completed                        D. is completed D

(7)_______ the sports meet might be put off.

—Yes, it all depends on the weather.

A. I’ve been told                                 B. I’ve told

C. I’m told                                         D. I told A



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