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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-01-10
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We do not know exactly how many whales there are in the sea because we can’t count them. But we believe at the beginning of the eighteenth century there were 105,000 humpback whales and 120,000 right whales. At the beginning of the twentieth century there were 75,000 humpbacks and 80,000 rights.

Since 1900 their numbers have fallen very quickly. Between 1935 and 1950 the number of humpbacks fell from 20,000 to 10,000 and since 1950 the number has fallen to only 6,000. The number of right whales has fallen even faster. In 1935 there were 25,000. The number fell to 6,000 in 1950 and since 1950 the number has fallen to 4,000. Men have always been hunters. Thousands of whales have become victims(牺牲品). It’s time to do something to protect whales.

1. Which of the following is true?

A. We know the exact number of whales in the sea.

B. It’s easy for us to count whales in the sea.

C. We find it impossible to count whales in the sea.

D. We don’t want to know how many whales there are in the sea.

2. The number of right whales has fallen _______.

A. more slowly than that of humpback whales             

B. faster than that of humpback whales

C. as slowly as that of humpback whales

D. as fast as that of humpback whales

3. The passage is mainly about _______.

A. the number of humpback whales             

B. the number of right whales

C. hunting whales             

D. the necessity of protecting whales

【答案与解析】本文通过对鲸历年来数量逐渐减少的统计,提醒人们保护鲸的重要性和迫切性。(from www.nmet168.com)

1. C推理判断题。从 We do not know exactly how many whales there are in the sea because we can’t count them可知答案为C

2. B事实细节题。从第2段的数据对比以及The number of right whales has fallen even faster可知答案为B

3. D主旨大意题。由原文最后一句 It’s time to do something to protect whales可知答案选D  

文章录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 
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