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bake[beIk] v.1.烤;烘(面包)The cakes will bake very quickly. 这些饼很快就可烘好。2. 烘干,使硬:In former times, bricks were baked in the sun. 在古代,砖块是放在太阳下晒干的。

bakery[5beIkErI] n.[C]面包房,面包店:bakery products面包房产品

balance[5bAlEns] n. [U]平衡:It’s hard to achieve balance, but it’s harder to keep balance. 获得平衡难,保持平衡更难。[C]秤,天平hold the balance 掌握决定权 / in the balance 不能确定的,尚未决定的 / keep (lose) one’s balance 保持(失去)平衡 / on balance 考虑周全,总的来看 /  strike a balance 结账,结算;取得平衡

balcony[5bAlkEnI] n. [C]阳台;楼座:You can see the sea from our balcony. 你从我们的阳台上就能看见大海。

ball[bC:l] n. 1. [C]球;球状物:a golf ball 高尔夫球 / a snow ball 雪球 2. [C]舞会:How did you enjoy the ball? 你在那个舞会上玩得开心吗?be on the ball 处处精明,能干/ have the ball at one’s feet 机会在眼前/ keep the ball rolling 持续不断 / play ball (球赛的)开始比赛,开球 / The ball is in your court [The ball is with you] .轮到你了。

【辨析】ball dance:参见 dance

ballet[5bAleI] n. [C,U]芭蕾舞:She has studied (the) ballet for five years. 她学芭蕾舞已 5 年了。

balloon[bE5lu:n] n. [C]气球:blow up a balloon 给气球打气 / My shirt bags like a balloon when the wind blows against it. 风吹着我的衬衫使它膨胀得像个气球一样。

ballpoint[5bC:lpCInt] (= ballpoint pen) n. [C]圆珠笔

bamboo[bAm5bu:] n. [C,U]竹,竹子:a bamboo shoots 竹笋 / a bamboo leaf竹叶

ban[bAn] n. [C]禁令;禁止:announce a ban on 宣布对…的禁令v.禁止;取缔:The authorities banned visitors form smoking in the building. 当局禁止来访者在大楼里抽烟。

banana[bE5nB:nE] n.[C]香蕉:Please peel this banana. 请剥开这只香蕉的皮。banana skin 造成困难或麻烦的根源

bandage[5bAndIdV] n.[C]绷带:a first-aid bandage 急救绷带vt. 用绷带包扎:The doctor bandaged up his broken ankle. 医生用绷带把他折断了的踝骨包扎起来。

bang[bAN] n. [C]砰的一声巨响:There was a bang on the street. 街上发出砰的大响声。v. 猛敲,猛撞,砰砰作响:Tell the children to stop banging about. 告诉孩子们不要到处弄出声响。(from www.nmet168.com)

bank[bANk] n. 1.[C](河、海、湖的)岸,堤:the banks of the Yellow River 黄河两岸2. [C]银行:The major banks have announced an increase in interest rates. 几家大银行已宣布提高利率。break the bank 花费不起

bank account[5bANk E7kaJnt] n. [C]银行账户:I’d like to open a bank account. 我想开个存款账户。

bar[bB:(r)] n. 1. [C]条;(长方)块:a bar of soap 一块肥皂2. [C]棒,横木:an iron round bar圆铁棒 3. [C](酒店的)买酒柜台;酒吧:There are several bars in the hotel. 这个旅馆中有好几个酒吧。

barbecue[5bB:bIkju:] n.烤肉野餐


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