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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-02-18
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多词错误主要涉及英语中一些“小”词,如冠词、介词、不定式符号、人称代词、动词 be、比较级more等。具体说来,多词错误可能涉及的问题有:及物动词后接宾语时误加介词,在该用动词原形的地方误加不定式符号to,在物质名词、抽象名词、复数名词等表示泛指时误加定冠词,在一些可直接用作状语的短语前误加介词in, on, for 等,误加一些导致语义重复的小词(two both连用,all whole 连用等),在本身已是比较级的词前误加more,在不是从句的地方误加从句“引导词”,在一些习惯用语和固定表达中误加不该用的“小词”(如冠词、介词、副词等),等等。



(1) David pointed to a path which it he thought would probably lead to a village. (去掉 it,因它与其前的关系代词 which 语义重复) (全国卷)

(2) Some people read the books or watch television while others have sports. (去掉 the,因这里的 books 表泛指,不表特指) (全国卷)

(3) In the last five years that they’ve climbed churches, high buildings and television towers. (去掉 that,因此处的 in the last five years 为时间状语,其后无需用that) (全国卷)

(4) Modern people know more about the health, have better food, and live in clearer surroundings. (去掉 the,因health 表泛指) (全国卷)

(5) Most people can quickly get for help from a doctor or go to a hospital when they are ill. (去掉 for,因其前的 get 是及物动词) (全国卷)

(6) Modern people know more about health, have better food, and to live in clearer surroundings. (去掉live 前的 to,因为 live 与其前的 know, have 并列) (全国卷)

(7) As a result, people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past. (去掉 more,因为 longer 本身已是比较级,不能再受 more 修饰) (全国卷)

(8) …and let you to know when the book you want has returned (去掉 know 前的 to,因为其前有动词 let) (全国卷)

(9) …in other places where you are limited to a certain number, of that some may be novels. (去掉 wherein other places 在此为地点状语) (全国卷)

(10) If the book you will want is out, you may ask for it to be called back for you. (去掉 will) (全国卷)

(11) I never knew about a ride down a river could be so exciting. (去掉 about 或将 about 改为 that,因动词 knew 后可直接跟宾语从句,无需用介词) (全国卷)

(12) I never knew a ride down a river could be so much exciting. (去掉 much,因 much 不能用来修饰形容词的原级,尽管它可用来修饰形容词的比较级和最高级) (全国卷)

(13) I also enjoyed the evenings when we spent together. (去掉 when 或将 when 改为 that,因这里的定语从句中的谓语动词(spent)缺宾语,故只能用关系代词 that或将其省略) (全国卷)

(14) I hope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon. (去掉 both。因 both 与后面的 two 意义重复,况且词序安排也不对) (全国卷)

(15) Today I visited the Smiths — my first time visit to an American family. (去掉time,因first 已含有“次”的意思) (全国卷)


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