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“if not+比较级”考题一例
文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-02-19
          ★★★ 【字体:

if not+比较级”考题一例



In that month, he earned as much as, if _________ than, $40 000.

A. no more                B. not more                C. no much                 D. not much

【分析】此题最佳答案为Bif not more than if he didn’t earn more than $40000 之省略。请看类似试题(答案均选B):

1. Her pronunciation is as good as, if _________ than, her teacher's.

A. no better                 B. not better                 C. no good                 D. not good

2. This church is as old as, if _________ than, that one.

A. no older                  B. not older                  C. no old                    D. not old

3. He has read the book as many as, if_________ than, five times.

A. no more                  B. not more                 C. no much                D. not much



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