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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-04-21
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1. I was going to write, _______ I lost your address.

A. but                        B. so                          C. became                      D. if

2. Paul bought a new car last week again.

Oh, He _______have earned a large sum of money.

A. could                     B. should                    C. might                        D. must

3.  Recently I bought a personal computer, _______ the price was very reasonable.

A. on which                B. in which                 C. of which                   D. from which

4. Once _______, this dictionary will be very popular!

A. having printed         B. printing                   C. to be printed              D. printed

5. Turn off the switch _______anything goes wrong with the machine.

A. while                      B. whether                  C. when                        D. Unless

6. John is very bright and studies hard as well. 

No wonder he _______ gets the first place in any examination. 

A. seldom                    B. sometimes              C. never                        D. always

7. It is not surprise you are tired. _______, you were up until 11 oclock last night.

A. After all                   B. As a result              C. In other words          D. As usual

8. Once environmental damage      , it takes many years for the system to recover.

A. has done                  B. to do                      C. does                        D. is done

9. My husband was _______ to see his vase broken.

A. a little more than angry                                B. more than a little angry

C. angry more than a little                                D. a little more angry than

10. She had nearly got out of _______ bath and put on her clothes when _______ telephone rang.

A. the; the                    B. the; a                      C. the; 不填                 D. a; 不填

11. Five minutes earlier          we could have avoided the accident.

A. or                            B. but                        C. so                            D. and

12. The day she was looking forward to _______ at last.

A. come                       B. coming                   C. came                       D. had come

13. Whatever you say, I shall _______ my own opinion.

A. carry out                  B. keep up                  C. insist on                   D. stick to

14. Will you go to see the film with me this weekend?

It _______.

A. all depend                 B. all depends              C. is all depended          D. is all depending

15. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _______ in 2004 as the year before.

A. as twice many machines                               B. twice many as machines

C. twice as many machines                               D. as many machines twice


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