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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-04-30
        ★★★ 【字体:




1. Put these glasses away before they ________.

OK. I’ll put them in the cupboard.

A. have broken                         B. are breaking

C. get broken                           D. will be broken

2. — Did you telephone the manager’s office?

— Yes, he ________ back before 9 o’clock this morning.

A. expects                                B. is expected

C. expected                              D. was expected

3. The new dictionaries are very useful. They ________ well and ________ already.

A. sold; have been sold              B. sold; had sold out

C. sell; sell out                          D. are sold; have been sold out

4. Have you got the result of the last examination?

Not yet. We’ve been told that the papers ________.

A. are marked                           B. are being marked            

C. have been marked                 D. were marked

5. ________ the only house Mr. Smith has got completely burnt out last night?

That’s right.

A. Had                                      B. Has

C. Was                                      D. Is

6. Did you see Sandy in the manager’s office?             

Yes, she ________ by the manager.

A. is questioned                          B. was being questioned        

C. had been questioned                D. was questioned

7. — Will you go to the party?

— No, even though ________ to.

A. inviting                                  B. being invited 

C. invited                                   D. having been invited

8. In 1998, this was the longest bridge that ________.

A. was ever built                         B. had ever built

C. has ever been built                   D. had ever been built

9. By the end of next year this work ________.

A. will have been completed          B. will be completed

C. will have completed                  D. has been completed

10. Are we about to have dinner?             

Yes, it ________ in the dinning room.

A. is being served                         B. is served

C. is serving                                 D. serves

11. Did you finish your homework yet?

YeahWe turned them in, and now they ________.

A. are grading                              B. are graded

C. are being graded                       D. have graded

12. — Have you worked in the new factory?

— Not yet, the project ________.

A. is being built                            B. is building

C. is built                                     D. is being building

13. —How are things going?

—The disabled with no relatives in Guangzhou ________ care of by the volunteers, who will graduate from Guangzhou University next year.

A. are taking                                B. will take

C. are being taken                         D. is being taken


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