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有关would you mind…的一个口语考点
文章作者:田金现    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-05-20
          ★★★ 【字体:

有关would you mind…的一个口语考点



“Would you mind if I _______ one of these books?” “_______.”

A. took; Certainly not                        B. take; Yes, of course

C. can take; Yes, please do                D. may take; No, I’m using it

【分析】最佳答案选A。做对此题要注意两点:一是would you mind 后接 if 从句时,从句谓语通常要用一般过去时(但 Do you mind if 后的谓语不用过去式);二是对 would you mind… 的回答实际上是对 mind(介意)的回答,即肯定回答表示介意,否定回答表示不介意。请做以下类似试题:

(1) “Do you mind if I smoke here?” “_______. Go to the smoking room, please.”

A. Of course not                           B. Sure, why not

C. No, I don’t                               D. Yes, I do

答案选D。根据下文的 Go to the smoking room, please 可知说话者介意对方抽烟,故选D

(2) “________, sir?” “No. Go ahead.”

A. May I use your dictionary

B. Do you mind if I use your bike

C. Would you mind opening the window

D. May I have a look at your new book

答案选B。注意答句中的 no go aheadno 表否定,否定 mind,即表示不介,这与其后 go ahead 表示的同意刚好吻合(www.nmet168.com)


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