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文章作者:陈仁祯    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-05-28
      ★★★ 【字体:



1. Ten years had passed. I found she had _______.

A. a few white hairs          B. a little white hair

C. some white hair            D. more fifty hair

2.—Hi, this way, please.

—OK.I sometimes have no sense of ______ when I arrive at the crossroad.

A. position                        B. direction

C. situation                       D. condition

3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________. 

A. intention                       B. attempt

C. purpose                        D. desire

4. I didn’t have to work all weekend — I did it by _______.

A. chance                         B. choice

C. accident                       D. myself

5. “Did you get _____ to the party?” “Yes, I replied to it this morning.”

A. an answer                    B. an invitation

C. a question                    D. a letter

6. I paid him 50 for the painting, but its true ______ must be at least 500.

A. price                           B. money

C. value                           D. importance

7. His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any ______ of it.

A. explanation                  B. meaning

C. sense                          D. guess

8. You’ve just missed your ______, and you will have to wait for the next round.

A. chance                         B. turn

C. time                             D. part

9. —Li Lin is very bright and studies hard as well.

—It’s no ______ he always gets the first place in any examination.

A. question                       B. doubt

C. problem                       D. wonder

10. —How can I use this washing machine?

—Well, just refer to the _______.

A. explanations                 B. expressions

C. introductions                D. directions

11. Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the ______.

A. rooms number              B. room number

C. room’s numbers           D. room numbers

12. —Hello, I’d like to speak to Henry. (from www.nmet168.com)

—Oh, which _______? There are two ______ in our office.

A. Henrys, Henrys          B. Henries, Henries

C. Henry, Henrys            D. Henrys, Henries

13. Electricity, like other forms of ______, has greatly increased in price in recent years.

A. pressure                       B. force

C. strength                        D. energy

14. In order to learn the _______ of the family business, Bill took a job as messenger boy in one of the offices.

A. ins and outs                  B. dos and don’ts

C. heads and tails               D. t’s and i’s

15. —I’ve got an “A” in the examination. (from www.nmet168.com)

—That’s a good ______. You will surely win a second.

A. result                            B. news

C. start                              D. idea


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