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第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


A. gave                 B. save                  C. hat                   D. made



1. course

A. journey             B. four                  C. labour               D. hour

2. match

A. separate            B. marry               C. machine            D. many

3. rise

A. purse                B. else                   C. praise               D. mouse

4. bathe

A. faith                 B. cloth                 C. maths               D. smooth

5. Britain

A. certain              B. train                  C. against              D. contain


第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


例:We ___ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied                          B. might study

C. should have studied                        D. would study


6. —Do you know Anna’s telephone number?

______. As a matter of fact, I don’t know any Anna, either.

A. I think so          B. I’m afraid not    C. I hope so          D. I’d rather not

7. A small car is big enough for a family of three ______ you need more space for baggage.

A. once                 B. because             C. if                      D. unless

8. It’s not ______ good idea to drive for four hours without ______ break.

A. a ; a                  B. the ; a               C. the ; the            D. a ; the

9. —What are you reading, Tom?

—I’m not really reading, just ______ the pages.

A. turning off        B. turning around C. turning over      D. turning up

10. —Could I ask you a rather personal question?

—Sure, _______.

A. pardon me         B. go ahead           C. good idea          D. forget it

11. If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it _______ all day.

A. rained               B. rains                 C. has rained         D. is raining

12. The director had her assistant ______ some hot dogs for the meeting.

A. picked up          B. picks up            C. pick up             D. picking up

13. Stand over there ______ you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.

A. but                   B. till                     C. and                   D. or

14. If their marketing plans succeed, they _______ their sales by 20 percent.

A. will increase                                  B. have been increasing

C. have increased                               D. would be increasing

15. Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like _______ working here.

A. with                 B. over                  C. at                     D. about

16. The road conditions there turned out to be very good, ______ was more than we could expect.

A. it                      B. what                 C. which               D. that

17. Liza ______ well not want to go on the trip—she hates traveling.

A. will                   B. can                   C. must                 D. may

18. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it _______.

A. collected           B. contained          C. loaded               D. saved

19. The house still needed a lot of work, but ______ the kitchen was finished.

A. instead              B. altogether          C. at once             D. at least

20. It was in New Zealand ______ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. (from www.nmet168.com)

A. that                  B. how                  C. which               D. when


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