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文章作者:陈根花    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-06-26
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. Tom’s mother always told him not to smoke again, but _____ didn’t help.

A. he                                B. it

C. which                           D. as

2. Both teams were in hard training; _____ was willing to lose the game.

A. either                            B. neither

C. another                         D. the other

3. There he pointed to _____ looked like a stone and said that’s ______ you had to carry home.

A. that, that                        B. what, what

C. which, what                   D. as, which

4. I know nothing about the accident except _____ I read in the paper.

A. that                                B. for

C. what                              D. 不填

5. Energy is ____ makes one work.

A. what                              B. something

C. anything                         D. that

6. Don’t go to _____ places where there is no fresh air.

A. such                              B. so

C. those                             D. which

7. The classroom is almost empty, where is _____?

A. someone                        B. anyone

C. everyone                        D. no one

8. I’m afraid we can’t have coffee; there’s _____ left.

A. nothing                          B. none

C. no one                           D. no any

9. _____ worries me is _____ we’re going to pay for all this.

A. It, that                           B. That, how

C. What, how                     D. As, that

10. He just does ______ he pleases and never thinks about anyone else.

A. that                                B. what

C. which                             D. how

11. _____ of you comes first will get the ticket.

A. Which                            B. Whichever

C. Who                               D. Whatever

12. His income is double _____ it was five years ago.

A. that                                 B. which

C. as                                   D. what

13. If you want a friend, you’ll find _____ in me.

A. one                                 B. it

C. that                                 D. him

14. Oh, how beautiful it is! I like _____ better.

A. everything                        B. anything

C. nothing                            D. something

15. Do you know _______ friends are coming to our party?

A. whose else’s                    B. who’s else

C. whose else                       D. who else’s


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