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文章作者:tianjxt    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-08-07
        ★★★ 【字体:




“What were you trying to prove to the police?”  _________ I was last night.”

A. That                       B. When                    C. Where                     D. What

【分析】此题应选 C,其余三项均有可能误选,答句为省略句,其完整形式为 I was trying to prove to the police where I was last night. (where 引导的是一个宾语从句)。请看以下类似试题:

(1) “What made her so happy?”  _________ her son passed the college entrance examinations.”

A. That                        B. 不填                        C. Since                        D. For

【分析】此题选A,为That her son passed the college entrance examinations made her so happy. 之省略。

(2) “What made you so upset?” “_________ my wallet.”

A. Lost                        B. Losing                      C. Having lost                D. Being lost

【分析】此题选B,为 Losing my wallet made me so upset. 之省略。

(3) “What did she tell you?” “_________ she would be late”

A. That                        B. When                        C. Where                        D. Whether

【分析】此题选A,为 She told me that would be late. 之省略。

(4) “What did he ask you?” “_________ I would be late.”

A. That                        B. When                        C. Where                        D. Whether

【分析】此题选D,为 He asked me whether I would be late. 之省略。



If the weather is fine, we’ll go. If _________, _________.

A. not, not                    B. no, no                     C. not, no                      D. no, not

【分析】此题应选AIf not, not. If the weather is NOT fine, we will NOT go. 全句意为如果天气好, 我们就去;如果天气不好,我们就不去。该句的特点是:后句与前句的用词和句式完全相同, 只是前句为肯定,后句为否定,为了简洁起见, 于是将后句与前句相同部分省略,只保留否定词 not。又如:

If it is cheap, I’ll buy it. If not, not. 如果这东西便宜,我就买;如果不便宜,我就不买。

If you study hard, you’ll succeed. If not, not. 你若努力,你就会成功;你若不努力,你就不会成功。

If you start at once, you’ll catch the train. If not, not. 你若马上动身,你就会赶上火车;你若不马上动身,你就赶不上火车了(www.nmet168.com)


“Can you repair it yourself?” “I am afraid not.” “你自己会修吗?”“恐怕不行。”(=I am afraid I can't repair it myself.)

“Did you know anything about it?” “Not until you told me.” “这事你以前知道吗?”“你告诉我才知道。”(=I didn't know anything about it until you told me.)

“Will it rain today?” “I hope not.” “今天会下雨吗?”“希望不会。”(=I hope it will not rain today.)


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