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文章作者:命题中心    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-08-29
        ★★★ 【字体:




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)



例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19. 15.                        B. 9. 15.                        C. 9. 18.



Text 1

M: I think it’s going to rain.

W: I guess so. The skies are dark and cloudy.

Text 2

M: Lucy is going back to China next month, Alice.

W: Oh, really?

M: And she will not meet Richer this time.

Text 3

W: I hate to say it. But Jacky isn’t doing well in the film.

M: Well. I think he’s only playing a different type of role. My sister thinks he is still the best.

Text 4

M: Professor Miners, could I talk to you about my paper?

W: Sure. Come to my office between two to three. It’s Room 340.

Text 5

W: OK. Time to go home. (www.nmet168.com)

M: I can’t. I haven’t finished the report about the newly opened restaurant.

W: Well. If you carry on working like that, you’ll make yourself ill.

Text 6

M: I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been?

W: I went to New York to visit my sister and stayed there for two months. Actually, I really went to meet my new nephew. (www.nmet168.com)

M: That’s great! How old is he?

W:  Well. He was five months old when I got there. And he could possibly be the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.

M: What did you do in your sister’s home?

W: I helped the baby and played with him a lot, which was nice. But what I enjoyed most was feeding him.

Text 7

 M: Air pollution is so bad in this city. I think the government should stop people from driving cars on certain days.

W: You have a point. Air pollution is a problem. But not letting people drive on certain days is a bad idea. People have to go to work by car.

M:  I’m afraid I don’t agree with you there. Reducing air pollution is really important. People are so used to driving that they don’t think about ways to do things. If we stop them from driving on certain days, maybe they could think of new ways to get around.

W:  I see your point. But I still think it wouldn’t be possible to stop people from driving.

Text 8

M:  Let’s go and have lunch together.

W:  OK!

M:  By the way, I’m thinking of going to New Zealand around Christmas for three weeks. It’s such a beautiful country. I’ve never been there before.

W:  Have you booked the flight?

M: Not yet. I’m planning to book my flight in two weeks’ time

W:  Book your flight right now. (www.nmet168.com)

M:  Why?

W:  Because the longer you leave it, the more expensive it will be. As a matter of fact, the prices may double at Christmas time. New Zealanders usually go home for Christmas.

M:  Then I’m going to book my flight tomorrow morning.

Text 9

M: Hello!

W:  Hello, Mike! This is Jane.

M:  Oh. Hello, Jane!

W:  Listen, Mike! I’ve got a real problem.

M:  What is it

W:  The car’s broken down.

M:  Oh, not again.

W: Yeah. I checked the oil and I checked almost everything. It’s just not starting at all.

M: You have to get rid of it, you know.

WI know ,know. But look, the thing is, I’ve got to pick Tom up at the airport. Can I…?

M: Use my car? Yes, of course.

W: That’ll be great! It’s very kind of you.

M: Come on when you like. I don’t need it till tonight.

W: OK! I’ll be around in about an hour. Thanks a lot!

M: It’s all right. See you then!

W: See you!

Text 10

W: OK! When we met last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories and some well-known short story writers. I remember that many of you said you liked the American writer Earnest Hemingway, right? I hope you all followed my advice and finished reading his story “ A day’s wait”, because as I said, we’re going to study it together in today’s lesson. Now since you’re supposed to have read this story, let’s have some discussion. Please look at the four questions on the blackboard. First, when and where does the story take place? Second, what does the boy read for in the story and what kind of person does he show himself to be? Third, what kind of person is the boy’s father? Four, what is the writer’s main purpose of writing the story? I’d like you to work in groups of four or five and present your answers in ten minutes. Is everything clear?




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