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文章作者:仕  君    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-11-09
          ★★★ 【字体:

The Beckhams moved to America


When David Beckham moved to Los Angeles of America with his family, his three sons hadn’t any probles with the new surroundings. His wife Victoria, a famous singer, said smilingly, “The children are very happy to hear that they can live in California, where there is famous Disneyland.”

Victoria said to the press that many people were curious about their life. She said that she was an ordinary woman, and just married a football star and had three children. But people thought differently. The fact that she married Beckham showed that she was not an ordinary woman. Before moving to America, Victoria thought her children would feel sad, but to her surprise, they were very glad to live in Los Angeles, because were much nearer to Disneyland than before. In order to let people know more about the Beckhams, NBC made a special program about the family. In fact, so many people are concerning the Beckhams, we think that Victoria shouldn’t say that she is just an ordinary woman. (from www.nmet168.com)







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