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文章作者:仕  君    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-11-09
          ★★★ 【字体:

Vitas? Vitas?

Almost overnight, the music of Vitas, a Russian tenor (男高音), has become very popular on the Internet. People are fascinated by his dolphin-like voice and mysterious stories behind him.

Some of the most popular stories about him are both astonishing and unbelievable. He is the youngest singer to hold an individual concert in Kremlin (克里姆林宫). He is mysterious because he never accepts an interview with the media (媒体). So nobody knows what his true name is and where he lives. He stays in an underground room and comes out at dusk to create his music. When he sings, his voice can reach such a high degree that it’s hard to tell whether it is a man’s or a woman’s. His eyes are so attractive that you will certainly lose yourself in surprise when having an eye contact with him. He likes fish very much. Because of this, some people even guess that he might have a branchia (鳃) to be able to produce such a high voice. It is extremely unbelievable that he is also a fashion designer.

Last June, he stayed in Tibet (西藏) for three weeks. After hearing his songs, the monks from India were greatly shocked, saying that he might be the rebirth (转世) of a famous Indian poet, musician and philosopher (哲学家) in the eleventh century.

Are the stories about him true? Or are they just made up by his producers to attract people’s attention? Such questions may never be answered. But it is really a fact that his magnetic voice attracts millions of people!(from www.nmet168.com)









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