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文章作者:佚名    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2008-11-12
        ★★★ 【字体:




Years ago it was very difficult to travel from one place to another. The journeys were often long, tiring and dangerous. Today the picture has changed. Science has improved transportation and communication facilities a great deal. Traveling has become safer, more enjoyable and above all, more economical.

Traveling—whether within one’s country or abroad—brings many invaluable benefits. People travel for pleasure, business or for education and knowledge. In the world of yesterday most people were only able to read about strange and fascinating places across the mountains and seas. Later, with the coming of the cinema and television, man’s curiosity about faraway places with strange sounding names was further stirred up. Today man’s curiosity can be satisfied in luxurious comfort. There are first-class ships and airplanes to take him where his dreams lie.

We travel to increase our knowledge of the world in which we live. Knowledge obtained from books alone is not enough. New knowledge of different lands and peoples enrich our mind and soul. Books generally do not give us a very true picture of lands beyond our shores. Some of them are even misleading.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 然后以约120个词就“现代交通的利与弊”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:

a) 通过古今对比说明现代交通给我们带来的好处;

b) 现代交通方式给我们带来的负面影响;

c) 就如何消除这些负面影响提出你的建议。


On Modern Transportation

With the help of science, transportation makes traveling safer and easier, which brings lots of benefits like satisfying man’s curiosity and increasing man’s knowledge of the world.

I can’t agree more. As the legend goes: To carry the news of the Greek victory, Pheidippides, a professional runner, had to run 42 kilometers without stopping. He dropped dead of exhaustion after shouting, “Rejoice, we conquer!” That happened in 490BC, but now it’s easy for us to cover this distance by car. With the help of modern transportation, we can go everywhere we prefer to. Even the journey to outer space is not a dream any more.

Despite the obvious advantages of modern transportation, it has also created many negative effects such as air pollution, traffic jams and lack of energy. To solve the problems, in my mind, there are two ways. On one hand, rules should be made for drivers to follow. On the other hand, if possible, we’d better use bicycles instead of cars to save energy as well as easing traffic jams.


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