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文章作者:仕  君    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-01-03
          ★★★ 【字体:

Negative News Helps the Maturity of He Jie

He Jie(何洁) has always been popular since she participated in a Super Girl Contest. But at the same time, she has been obsessed with negative rumors, such as her self-aggrandizing behavior(耍大牌), flashing her pussy upon tumbling(摔跤走光), plastic surgery(整容), which have made her sad. She said, “When I heard something negative about myself, I used to become very angry, and sometimes I even cried, wondering why such things should have happened to me. But now I have realized that it’s useless to think about such things. As a star, I have to face them.” It seems that she has become more mature in dealing with such rumors. As to the rumor about her plastic surgery, Miss He said laughingly, “My mother has told me that she will not accept me if I do so.”

News is unavoidable for a star. It is reported that Britney Spears(布兰妮) and Christina Aguilera(克里斯蒂娜) are also influenced by negative news. Nevertheless, their popularity is not affected. About this, Miss He replied, “In spite of the negative news about them, they are still very popular, because they have done very well in their own duties. Such is the case in the entertainment circle. I will go my own way. Of course, I hope to be in the right direction and I do not want to hear any negative things about me. But they cannot be avoided. My company has also declared that we never want to be sensational. And we never need such a sensation, either.”






虽然从超女比赛开始,何洁的人气一直都不错,但是出道至今对于她的负面新闻不绝于耳,耍大牌、摔跤走光、整容传闻等都曾经让她很难过。她说:“以前听到自己的负面新闻,常常会很气愤,甚至有的时候会哭。我会想为什么这些东西偏偏都找上我。现在觉得这些东西想多了也没有用,作为艺人就是要面对这些问题。” 负面新闻似乎反而让她成长更快,学会如何去面对。至于一直有传她整容一说,何洁大笑说:“我妈说了,如果我去整容一定不认我啦。”




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