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文章作者:仕  君    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-01-03
          ★★★ 【字体:

Liu Xuan is Involved in the Entertainment Circle

A few years ago, just before she graduated as a journalism major (新闻专业学生) from Peking University(北京大学), Liu Xuan(刘璇) said, “Recently, I have rarely hosted TV shows because I have spent most of my time in my study. As to my future job, I will not think about it until my graduation. Compared with the entertainment circle(娱乐圈) which is full of sensational news, I think the sports community (体育界) is more suitable to me.” People are always changing their ideas about their future career. So is Liu, who no longer holds such an idea. Perhaps she has even forgotten it.

In the 2000 Sidney Olympic Games(悉尼奥运会), she won the gold medal for the event of balance beam(平衡木), the 19th gold medal of the Chinese team. With it, she also became the first Chinese athlete in women’s gymnastics team(体操队) ever to win three Olympic medals. Then, still at the peak of her sports career, she chose to retire. But she knows her influence outside the sports circle. Even after she was admitted into Peking University, she had no intention of withdrawing (脱身) completely from the entertainment circle. On the contrary, she was very productive in this field. She played various parts in films and TV dramas, and hosted TV sports shows and different kinds of concerts. She also appeared in advertisements and sang songs.

Ms. Liu is very lucky. With the appearance of two high-level TV shows named Dancing Party (舞林大会) and Becoming Famous (名声大震), She has become a super star, marking a new period in her career. So has her boyfriend Wang Tao(王弢), who entered for(报名参赛) the so-called “Come on, Good Man!” Contest(加油!好男儿) and later withdrew voluntarily from it. The media has begun to describe these two young people as the Chinese version of David Beckham(贝克汉姆) and Victoria Beckham(维多利亚) who is nicknamed Spice Girl(辣妹) .

I can still remember that Liu was once a gymnastic athlete. But when she tells me that she will act as a judge in 2008 Olympic Games, it is hard to say whether it is sports news or entertainment news.






刘璇的幸运在于,《舞林大会》和《名声大震》这两档高水准娱乐节目的适时出现,一下子将她的人生推入了新境界,使其变成大明星。而当其男友王弢角逐 《加油!好男儿》,同时又在紧要关头制造出主动退赛的新闻时,两个年轻人已经开始被媒体形容为小贝和辣妹的中国版了。




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