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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-03-07
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M: Kathy, have you decided what you’re going to do in the vacation?

K: I need to (76) e________ some money. I’d try to find a job looking after children. What do you think, mum?

M: It’s not an easy job and you don’t have any particular (77) k_______ about children. Some children could be noisy and badly (78) b___________. Do you have any other ideas?

K: Not (79) r________. I don’t think much of the jobs I’ve seen (80) a_________

(A week later)

M: Kathy, are you still looking for a children job?

K: No, Mum. I (81) m_______ to tell you earlier. I’ve been offered a job in the office of the local computer factory and it’s well paid. I’ve decided to take it and will (82) s________ on Monday.

M: Good! Tell me more (83) d________ about the job.

K: I will work as a (84) s________, typing letters, answering phones calls and so on.

M: Some people may find it busy and (85) b________, and you need to be patient and careful.

K: Thank you, Mum. I’ll try my best.


76. earn  

77. knowledge

78. behaved

79. really

80. advertis(z)ed

81. meant

82. start

83. detail(s)

84. secretary

85. boring



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