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文章作者:bscoachi…    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-08-11
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. Until I was twenty-three I never ________ attending night school three nights a week.

A. doubted                   B. failed

C. missed                     D. requested

2. I am sure she will ________ a good manager in the future.

A. make                       B. do

C. get                          D. turn

3. On Sunday Jane has nothing to do but watch TV to ________ her time.

A. save                        B. cost

C. spare                       D. kill

4. They say the snow will ________ until the end of next week.

A. keep                        B. last

C. start                        D. stay

5. During the long-term cooperation, Mr. Wilson ________ a smart, honest and trustworthy man.

A. appeared                  B. made

C. turned                      D. proved

6. How come a simple meal like this cost so much?

We have ________ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

A. added                       B. included

C. contained                  D. charged

7. The film A World Without Thieves ________ a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema.

A. appreciated                B. enjoyed

C. won                          D. seized

8. $300 a month could hardly ________ the cost of his life in such a big city in this country.

A. spend                        B. take

C. cover                        D. meet

9. I’d love to go on the voyage to Tahiti with Robin, but I doubt if we could ________ something like that.

A. afford                        B. offer

C. permit                       D. receive

10. Excuse me, would you please ________ me some petrol?

Sorry. I’ve only a little left in my car.

A. save                         B. spare

C. spend                       D. share

11. Today, if you find something useful on the Internet, you can download and ________ it in your personal computer file ( 文档).

A. save                         B. spare

C. share                        D. turn

12. Don’t you know this is a problem that ________ even experts?

A. asks                         B. beats

C. hits                           D. meets

13. The pop song concert was so well ________ that before it started, all the tickets had been sold out.

A. accepted                    B. carried

C. received                     D. promised

14. The policeman ________ two man fighting in the street. I thought they were drunk.

A. took                           B. caught

C. left                             D. made

15. The ________ people in the traffic accident were given first aid at once.

A. hurt                            B. wounded

C. injured                        D. damaged


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