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文章作者:erke    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-09-23
          ★★★ 【字体:

Vitas Sings Tibetan Plateau

You may know that such descriptions as “the last pure place and the most mysterious plateau” are about the Tibetan Plateau. But surely, you do not know that a foreign singer has ever sung the song entitled Tibetan Plateau in Chinese following Li Na(李娜) and Han Hong(韩红) . It is Vistas. His MV is extremely popular on the Internet.

The MV begins with the appearance of Vistas’ face, showing his affectionate eyes. Then his soft singing is accompanied by music, with a series of pictures as the background, showing white clouds, snowy mountains, clear lakes, and flying hawks. But upon careful examination, you will find that, in spite of the beautiful scenery of the Tibetan Plateau, Vistas is singing not on the Plateau, but on a large open plain. It turns out that the pictures are actually taken from several movies about the Tibetan Plateau.

Vitas has made great efforts to win his Chinese fans by singing in Chinese. But some sounds are a little bit strange. After all, he is just a beginner. On the MV, he looks a little nervous, which is rare to a skillful singer like him.

Many fans like to hear him sing. But some people say frankly, “Vistas has been skillful at make-up and propaganda since his first performance. At first, he claimed that he was a man from outer space with gill, who lived in a large goldfish bowl. He also said that he would never have interviews with journalists and would separate himself away from his fans. Now, with the decline of his popularity, he has got the strange idea of singing in Chinese.”(www.nmet168.com)









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