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文章作者:erke    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-09-23
        ★★★ 【字体:

What’s New about Han Han and Guo Jingming?

In recent years, Han Han(韩寒) has become so fascinated with racing cars that he is even willing to spend all his income from writing on them. He says, “In the past, I spent at least one million yuan on racing cars. But from the year before last, I have begun to make money from renting my cars as much as from writing.” It is rumored that he got 40, 000 yuan by renting cars the year before last. But he says that he could have earned 10 times more if he had not signed a contract with his present racing team. In spite of his large income, he says, “I never buy things of famous brands, and I rarely buy clothes for myself. I spend no more than 5,000 yuan on clothing in a year.”

Just like Han, Guo Jingming(郭敬明) , another idol writer born in the 1980s, is also pursuing his development in the entertainment circle. Guo will sign a contract with Li Yuchun’s broker(李宇春的经纪公司) . If he succeeds, he will enter the film and recording industries, striving to become an all-around artist.








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