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文章作者:erke    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-09-23
          ★★★ 【字体:

Hu Ge has Had Only a Small Surgery

In the first gala for the new artists of the Meng Niu Music Chart(蒙牛音乐风云榜) , Hu Ge, who released his first full length music album(个人专辑) entitled Start Out(《出发》) last year, won the prize of New Artist Across Fields(跨界新人奖) . He wore a pair of black glasses, for he just had a small eye surgery. In his acceptance speech, he said, “I wear a pair of black glasses at night.” For this, the audience gave him a big hand(热烈鼓掌) .

Hu had a car accident in 2006. Although he survived, he was seriously injured, especially in the eye and neck. He was sent to a hospital for surgery. according to a weekly tabloid(娱乐周刊) , in spite of his recovery, some scars can still be found near his eyes. The newspaper estimated that it might cost him and his agent an enormous amount of money to repair the scars without satisfactory effects, and expressed doubt about his future.

Responding to this report, Miss Cai, Hu’s agent, says, “Since his recovery in 2007, Hu has acted in many films and TV series, including The Legend of the Condor Heroes(《射雕英雄传》) , and has released his first album Start Out, all of which have turned out to be quite successful. We have witnessed his efforts and progress. His achievements have shown us that the scars have not affected his acting career. He has experienced a great difficulty and has managed to handle the resulting pressures from both inside and outside. We can see that a promising future depends on a correct attitude and hard work.”



在音乐风云榜首届新人盛典上,在去年推出首张个人专辑《出发》的胡歌夺得“跨界新人奖”。因为此前刚进行了一次眼部修复小手术,所以当晚以墨镜亮相。他的一句得奖感言 “黑夜里我带着一副黑色的眼镜”,赢得了大家热烈的掌声。



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