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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-10-07
        ★★★ 【字体:


Text 8

M: Welcome to our program “Eco-tour”. Today, we are honored to invite Hannah to be our special guest. Welcome, Hannah.

W: Thanks. Today I'm going to suggest some eco-tours to you.

M: Okay. First, can you tell us what countries are well-known for eco-tours?

W: Actually there are lots of countries. For example, Brazil, Australia and China are some of the popular places nowadays.

M: Well, what can tourists do in these countries?

W: Quite a lot of activities. For example, we can go dolphin watching in China and river rafting in Australia.

M: River rafting, terrific!

W: Yes, we can also go mountain climbing in Brazil or bird-watching in the USA.

M: Wow, it sounds great, Hannah. Thanks for your kind introduction.

W: You’re welcome.

Text 9

W: Oh, I finished my report finally. How about your paper?

M: Done. But I'm waiting for an important call. By the way, are you going to the café? Can you bring me something to eat?

W: Sure. What would you like?

M: Hmm… I think I’ll have a chicken sandwich.

W: Okay, a chicken sandwich. Anything else?

M: Soup would be good. Yes, bring me tomato soup, and a salad and a chicken sandwich.

W: Fine, tomato soup, salad and a chicken sandwich. A piece of pie for dessert?

M: No, but you know I love cakes most. Bring me three cakes and some cookies too.

W: Cakes and cookies?(www.nmt168.com)

M: Right. That’s too much. Forget cookies. Just bring me the cakes and a glass of milk and some coffee and…

M: Still more? Why don’t I just bring back the whole café!

Text 10

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Enjoy Your Life again. I’m Chris. Today we’ll introduce a special camp to you for summer vacation and for a love of music. Okay, now, let me bring it to you. Greenwoods, a magical music camp for the young. It’s open to boys and girls of grades three to seven. Students of all abilities will get together for two weeks and will study and play with top music artists each day. We’ll experience rap music, blues, country music and much, much more. Just imagine a music camp with wonderful concerts every night. Come and share the music experience in Greenwoods. Fantastic and exciting, isn't it? Here is really a big chance for all music fans. Are you ready to join us? Greenwoods, a dream land for all of us. Come and enjoy your life. I'm Chris. See you tomorrow.


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