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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2009-12-14
          ★★★ 【字体:

He Zhuoyan is to Act Xiao Zhao

Recently, everything has been going smoothly with He Zhuoyan(何琢言) , who won the sixth place in the Hanzhou Super Girls (or Super Voice Girls) Contest (超级女声大赛) in 2005. As a sweet and lovely girl, she has won the favor of Zhang Jizhong(张纪中) , an influential film producer, who has invited her to act in three of his TV series.

As a member of the younger generations, He has become the favorite actress of the audience because of her acting as Shuang Er(双儿) , a beautiful, lovely and funny girl, in Royal Tramp(《鹿鼎记》) , a film of wuxia genre(武侠类) . In return for the support and love of so many people, He has made greater efforts in her study and acting. Last year, she even donated some of her income for acting in this film to the quake-hit areas.

At present, she plays the role of Xiao Zhao(小昭) , a girl as lovely as Shuang Er, in The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre(《倚天屠龙记》) , another TV series produced by Zhang Jizhong. Compared with other characters in the new version, He’s role is the most convincing and most expected in terms of both image and feeling. But such a high expectation is also pressure and challenge to He.(www.nmet168.com)








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