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文章作者:陈根花    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2010-05-03
          ★★★ 【字体:




假若今天是你的生日,你的父母给你100元钱购买生日礼物。而作为一名英语爱好者,却没有一本好的英语词典,所以就想用100元钱去买一本你心仪已久的《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(Oxford Advanced Learners’ English-Chinese Dictionary)。但刚好今天老师在课堂上给你们读了一篇有关灾区(disaster area)受灾的报道,并鼓励大家为灾区人民献爱心……为此,你的心情很复杂……




Today is my birthday. I’m glad my parents gave me 100 yuan to buy a present. I like English very much, but I don’t have a good English dictionary. So I wanted to use the money to buy a copy of “Oxford Advanced Learners’ English-Chinese Dictionary”, which I have been longing to have for a long a time. But in the last class our teacher read us an article about the disaster area and asked us to do something we can for the people in the disaster area. Hearing this, I felt very sad. What could I do with the 100 yuan? If I donated it, I wouldn’t be able to buy the dictionary. But if I bought the dictionary, I felt that I was too selfish. After a hard struggle in my mind, I decided to donate the money, because I can wait to buy a dictionary, but can’t wait to help the people in the disaster area.


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