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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2010-05-24
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Having returned from her round trip, the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway ___1___ me 12,” she said to Harry Jenks, the young man ___2___ at the office. “You sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ___3___ from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a ___4___. It cost me 12. ”

Harry was ___5___. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “Come into the office, Madam,” he said ___6___. “I’ll just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd.”

The woman and her little girl ___7___ him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon ___8___. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How could he have made such a careless ___9___? He shouldn’t have sold her a ticket for that day. ___10___ what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look sunburnt,” he said to her. “Did you have a nice ___11___ in Jersey?”

“Yes,” she answered, shyly. “The beach was ___12___. And I can swim too!”

“That’s fine,” said Harry. “My little girl can’t swim ___13___ yet. Of course, she’s only three…”

“I’m four,” the child said proudly. “I’ll be four and a half.”

Harry ___14___ the mother. “I remember your ticket, Madam,” he said. “But you didn’t get one for your ___15___, did you?”

“Er, well—” the woman looked at the child. “I mean… she hasn’t ___16___ school yet. She’s only four. ”

“A four-year-old child must have a ticket, Madam. A child’s ___17___ ticket to Jersey costs …let me see…13.50. So if the railway ___18___ your hotel, you will owe 1.50. The law is the law, but since the ___19___ was mine…”

The woman stood up, took the child’s hand and left the ___20___.

1. A. offers                   B. charges                      C. lends                           D. owes

2. A. working                B. standing                     C. driving                        D. shipping

3. A. train                      B. ship                           C. bus                             D. plane

4. A. stop                      B. hotel                           C. restaurant                   D. station

5. A. worried                 B. pleased                        C. contented                   D. annoyed

6. A. politely                  B. angrily                         C. excitedly                    D. hurriedly

7. A. led                        B. brought                        C. followed                    D. showed

8. A. made                     B. sold                             C. checked                    D. discovered

9. A. mistake                  B. promise                       C. return                        D. trip

10. A. Worrying              B. Wondering                  C. Finding                     D. Understanding

11. A. swim                    B. holiday                        C. rest                          D. journey

12. A. windy                   B. lovely                          C. sunny                       D. rainy

13. A. a bit                      B. a little                          C. a lot                         D. a deal

14. A. shouted to              B. turned to                     C. came at                    D. ran at

15. A. daughter                B. husband                       C. son                          D. mother

16. A. left                        B. started                         C. ran                          D. operated

17. A. return                    B. starting                         C. railway                    D. free

18. A. owes                     B. pays                             C. buys                        D. changes

19. A. ticket                     B. hotel                             C. fault                        D. child

20. A. train                       B. office                            C. Harry                      D. station


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