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黑色英文字为教材原文 || 深红色汉字为教材翻译 || 绿色文字为相关问题的参考答案


Learning about Language  语文学习


 Discovering useful words and expressions  找出有用词语和表达


 1  Find the word and expression for each of the following meanings from the text.

1. __________ not inside a building

2. __________ feeling disturbed

3. __________ to be worried about

4. __________ free, not tide up

5. __________ to experience something

6. __________ to take no notice of

7. __________ staying close to and looking at somebody

8. __________ to become quiet after nervous activity

9. __________ piece of material hung to cover a window

10. __________ number of things that happen one after another

 1  根据下面给出的意思从课文中找出一个词或短语。

1. __________ 不在建筑物里面

2. __________ 感到不安

3. __________ 为……担心

4. __________ 自由的,没有捆好的

5. __________ 经历某事

6. __________ 不注意,不理睬

7. __________ 靠近某人并看着某人

8. __________ 进行疯狂活动之后变得平静

9. __________ 悬挂着挡住窗户的一块布料

10. __________ 一件接一件发生的事情


1.outside          2. upset                  3. be concerned about       4. loose            5. get through

6. ignore          7. face to face         8. calm down                   9. curtain          10. serious


 2  Complete this passage with some of the words and phrases above.

Anne’s sister, Margot, was very __________ that the family had to move. However, she knew that she had got to __________ all the difficulties with her family. She found it difficult to settle and __________ in the hiding place, because she was __________ whether they would be discovered. She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there. What she really missed was going __________ and walking the dog for her neighbour. It was such fun to watch it run __________ in the park. She wished she could tell her neighbour __________ that she was sorry not to be able to do it any longer, but she knew that was too dangerous.

 2  使用上面的词或短语完成下面的段落。


【参考答案】upset, go through, calm down, concerned about, outdoors, loose, face to face


 3  Complete the following sentences using words and expressions from the text.

1. When the man saw the car accident on the highway, he stopped ________ offer help.

2. “How can Linda recover from her illness in this room when it’s so dirty and _______ ? It will only make her worse,” said the doctor.

3. After Peter died, George _________ the story of their friendship in a book.

4. When the street lights go on _______, they make a beautiful picture, so different from the daytime.

5. Good friends do not _______what they do for each other; instead they offer help when it is needed.

6. Although Tim and Mike come from _______different backgrounds, they became close friends.

7. Please draw the ________; the sunlight is too bright.

8. “Sorry, I didn’t break the plate ___________.” “It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.”

 3  使用课文中的单词和短语完成下面的句子。

1. 当这个人在公路上看到这起车祸的时候,他就停下来________提供帮助。

2. “这个房间这样脏,而且________,住在这里面,琳达的病怎么能好呢?这只会使她的病变得更糟。”医生说。

3. 彼得死后,乔治在一本书里________了他们之间友谊的故事。

4. 当街上的灯________亮的时候,它们成了一幅美丽的图画,与白天完全不一样。

5. 好朋友并不________他们为彼此所做的一切,相反,他们会在有需要的时候主动提供帮助。

6. 虽然提姆和迈克来自________不同的背景,他们却成了亲密的朋友。

7. 请拉上________,太阳光太亮了。

8. “对不起,我不是________打破这个盘子。”“没关系,别把这事放在心上。”


1. in order to。意思是“目的是”“为了”“以便”。

2. dusty。意思是“沾满灰尘的”。

3. set down。意思是“写下”“记下”。

4. at dusk。意思是“在黄昏时”。

5. add up。意思是“合计”。句意为:好朋友不会计算(计较)他们为彼此所做的一切,相反,他们会在有需要的时候主动提供帮助。

6. entirely。意思是“完全”。

7. curtains。意思是“窗帘”。

8. on purpose。意思是“有意地”“故意地”。



文章录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 
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