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文章作者:陈根花    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2010-09-06
    ★★★★★ 【字体:


walk the dog 遛狗


She walks her dog in the park every morning. 每天早上她都去公园遛狗。

Bob will walk the dog with bill and then play chess. 鲍勃和比尔先遛狗,然后再下象棋。

I must walk the dog; he has not been out today. 我必须带狗去散散步,它今天还没出去过。

I often watch TV for a while, and then walk the dog with my dad. 我经常看一会儿电视,然后和我爸爸一起去遛狗。



She walked five miles each day. 她每天走5英里。

It’s dangerous to walk the streets of New York alone after dark. 天黑之后,一个人在纽约的大街上行走是很危险的。

loose [lu:s] adj.松的;松开的;松散的


He was wearing a loose sweater. 他穿着一件宽松的毛衣。

The television isn’t working; is there a loose connection? 电视机坏了,有没有哪里接线不紧?

The light gets on and off because there is a loose connection. 电灯一会儿亮一会儿灭,因为接触不良。


break loose (from) 挣脱束缚或限制:

One of the tigers broke loose. 有一只老虎从笼子里跑出来了。

come [work] loose (指扣件、闩等)松开,不牢固:

The handle has come loose. 这个把柄松了。



vi. 松开,变松:

This knot keeps loosening. 这个结老松开。

The government’s control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years. 近年来政府已放松了对报纸的控制。

vt. 解开,放松使松驰

I loosened my tie but I didn’t take it off. 我松开了领带,但是没有把它解下来。

The exercise can loosen your muscles. 这项运动可使你的肌肉放松。

cheat [tFi:t] n.欺骗;骗子vt. & vi. 欺骗;骗取;欺炸;作弊


He is a cheat. 他是个骗子

The boy was caught cheating in the exam. 这男孩考试作弊给抓住了。

That store cheated me out of $10 on that sweater by charging me too much. 那商店多要价,那件毛衣就骗了我10美元


用作及物动词表示“欺骗”时,其宾语通常应是人而不能是物,且不能接双宾语。要表示骗取某人某物,通常用的句型是cheat sb (out) of sth。如:

The man cheated me (out) of my money. 这个人骗了我的钱。

表示骗某人做某事,英语习惯上不用cheat sb to do sth,而用cheat sb into (doing) sth。如:

He cheated me into believing that he is rich.

=He cheated me into the belief that he is rich. 他骗我相信他很有钱。

reason [5ri:zn] n. 理由;原因


We have every reason to do so. 我们有充分的理由这样做。

He retired early for health reasons. 他由于健康上的原因而提前退休。

There must be some very deep reason for this. 此事肯定有某种深层的原因。

There must be some other reason for him refusing to help. 他不予以帮助一定另有原因。


(1) 表示“……的原因或理由”,其后通常接介词for,一般不用of。如:

Nobody knows the reason for the accident. 谁也不知道这次事故的原因。

(2) 要表示“做某事的原因或理由”,可后接for doing sthto do sth。如:

I could give you a hundred reasons for not going. 我可以给你说出一百个不去的理由。

We have no reason to disbelieve him. 我们没有理由不相信他。

(3) 要表示“由于……的原因”,英语通常用for reasons of(其中的reasons必须是复数),它也可换成for…reasons。如:

for reasons of health=for health reasons 由于健康原因

for reasons of business=for business reasons 由于商业原因

for reasons of safety =for safety reasons 出于安全上的考虑

(4) The reason why…is that…这类句型中,通常要用that来引导表语从句,但在现代英语中偶尔也可用because来引导。如:

The reason (why) he did not come was that [because] he was ill. 他没有来是因为他生病了。


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