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文章作者:陈根花    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2010-09-06
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teenager [5ti:n7eIdVE] n.十几岁的青少年


He had long hair when he was a teenager. 他十来岁时就留长发。

In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. 在这项计划中,孩子和大人们共同制定规章制度。

You shouldn’t sell cigarettes to teenagers who are under age. 你不应该把香烟卖给没到岁数的青少年。


teenager 主要指13 岁至 19 岁的小孩——因为英语的数词13—19均以-teen结尾。

get along with与…相处;进展


She is very easy to get along with. 她很好相处。

Do you get along with your boss? 你跟老板合得来吗?

He is impossible to get along with, isn’t he? 他很难相处,对吗?

The applicant has had some experience in this kind of work, and then he is easy to get along with. 那位申请人以前做过这种工作,另外此人很容易相处。

gossip[5^CsIp] n.& vi.闲话;闲谈


He loves spreading gossip about his neighbors. 他爱议论邻居的是非长短。

I can’t stand here gossiping all day. 我可不能整天站在这里闲聊下去。

It isn’t right to gossip about others. 说别人的闲话是不对的。

fall in love 相爱;爱上


The minute he saw her he fell in love. 他对她一见倾心。

I often fell in love when I was younger. 我年轻一点的时候常常谈恋爱。

They first met at university and later fell in love. 他们在大学里初次相遇,后来相爱。


若表示“爱上……”“与……相爱”,则用fall in love with。如:

She fell in love with her teacher. 她爱上了自己的老师。

The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden. 王子爱上了一个漂亮的少女。

He fell in love with her the first time he saw her. 他对她一见钟情。

If I were any younger, I’d fall in love with you. 我要是再年轻一点儿的话,就会爱上你了。

Supposing you fell in love with your boss, what would you do? 假定你爱上了你的老板,你会怎么办?


She fell in love with the cottage at first sight. 她一见到这小屋就喜欢上了。

advice [Ed5vaIs] n.忠告;建议


Good advice is beyond price. 良言无价。

He was deaf to all advice. 他听不进任何劝告。

His advice did prove sound. 他的忠告的确证明是对的。

Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble. 每次我听你的意见都惹了麻烦。

Without your advice I would have failed. 假若没有你的劝告,我想必已失败了。


advice是一个典型的不可数名词,要表示具体数量,通常要借助 piece, bit, word等。如:

a word of advice 一句忠告

two pieces of advice两条建议。

若要表示按照某人的意见或建议做某事, 通常连用介词onby。如:

This was done by [on] his advice. 这是按照他的意见做的。

若要表示接受意见或忠告,通常用动词take, follow, accept, act on等;表示提出建议或忠告,通常用动词give;表示向某人请教或征求意见,一般用动词ask (for)。如:

You should follow your doctor’s advice. 你应该遵从医嘱。

If I were you, I should take his advice. 我若是你,就会听他的忠告。

I was hoping you would give me some advice. 我希望你给我出点主意。


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