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文章作者:陈根花    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2010-09-07
    ★★★★★ 【字体:



■本站特约作者  陈根花  供稿


7. 动词 plan 后接不定式还是动名词?


You will plan to go another time. (p.1)




He planned to buy a new car. 他打算买辆新车。  

They planned to rob a bank. 他们计划抢劫一家银行。  

When do you plan to take your holiday? 你打算什么时候休假?  

They plan to take a fortnight over the job. 他们计划花两周时间做这件工作。   

I plan to pay all my debts in one month’s time. 我计划在一个月内偿还所有的债务。   

We plan to go on Wednesday, subject to your approval. 如果你同意,我们计划星期三出发。   


plan to do sth有时也说成plan on doing sth。如:  

They plan on coming at Christmas. 他们计划圣诞节来。  

They were planning on getting married. 他们计划结婚。  

We are planning on going to Australia this year. 我们打算今天去澳大利亚。  

I had planned to do [on doing] some work this afternoon. 我曾计划今天下午要做些工作。  


但是,plan用作名词时,若表示做某事的计划、打算或办法等,其后可接不定式或for doing sth。如:  

He has a special plan to make [for making] money. 他有赚钱的特殊办法。   

He told her of his plan to write [for writing] a novel. 他和她谈到写小说的计划。   

Have you made plans for overcoming [to overcome] the difficulties? 你们制定了克服困难的计划了吗?    


8. another time 是名词性短语还是副词性短语?


You will plan to go another time. (p.1)



another time的本义是“另外的时间”,根据句子的语境不同,它可以译为“另外的时间”“改日”等。从语法上看,它有时是名词性短语,有时副词性短语。  

(1) 用作名词性短语时,它可用作主语或宾语(用作动词宾语或介词宾语)。如:  

Another time is impossible. 另外安排时间是不可能的。  

Might I suggest another time? 我可以建议另找个时间吗?   

Her moods kept changing—happy at one time, filled with despair at another time. 她的情绪多变——时而高兴,时而感到绝望。  

(2) 用作副词性短语时,它则用作状语。如:  

Let’s talk more another time. 改天再谈。  

We can do it another time. 我们可以下次再做。  

Not to worry, we can always go another time. 不要紧,我们可以随便再找个时间去。  

He’s busy. Why don’t you come another time? 他很忙。你们另外找时间再来怎么样?   


another day(另外一天)也具有以上类似用法。  

(1) 用作名词性短语时,它可用作主语或宾语。如:  

We may as well stay here for another day. 我们不妨在这里再待一天。  

We aren’t free tomorrow. Can we arrange another day? 我们明天没空,我们能改个日子吗?  

The survivors on the rock signalled that they were short of water but could hold out for another day.  岩石上的幸存者发信号说他们缺水了,但还能坚持一天。  


Well, that’s that. Another day’s work finished. Let’s go home. 好了,就那样定了。又完成了一天的工作,咱们回家吧。  

(2) 用作副词性短语时,它则用作状语。如:  

It was necessary for them to stay another day. 他们有必要再留一天。  

He suggested that she should come another day. 他建议她改天再来。  

Tell them I am not very well. I will go and see them another day. 告诉他们我不大舒服。过几天我会去看他们的。  

If she stayed another day, he would drive her home. 如果她再待一天,他就开车送她回家了。  

One day he wanted his lunch early, another day he wanted it late.  他一天要早点吃午饭,另一天又要晚点吃午饭。  

When I asked them to wait, Tom agreed to wait a week but Bill refused to wait another day. 我请他们等等时,汤姆同意等一个星期,可比尔多一天都不愿等。


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