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2. 口语中有时可用add(ed) to that [this]来引出另外的事实以支持自己的观点,根据情况可译为“而且”“另外”等。如:

Added to thisshe had a wonderful ability to describe things. 除此之外,她还擅长于描绘事物。

3. 类似“3+4=7”这样的算式,可用以下包含add的英语句子表达:

Three added to four makes seven.

Three and four add up to seven.

If you add three to four, you get seven.

addition n.

1. 注意以下短语的用法:

(1) in addition 此外,另外,还有。如:

In addition, they do not match very much. 除此之外,他们两人并不十分般配。

We met some friends and other people in addition. 我们遇见几位朋友,还遇见其他一些人

(2) in addition to 除……之外。如:

We play football in addition to basketball. 除了篮球外,我们还踢足球。

In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language. 除英语外,他还得学第二外语。


In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience. 课程除了大致介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。

2. 当主语后跟有in addition to引出的介词短语时,谓语动词仍与其前的主语保持一致。如:

The teacher, in addition to his students, was interested in the book. 老师和他的学生都对这本书感兴趣。

address n.&v.

1. 用作名词,意为“地址”,注意以下有用表达:

Please leave a contact address. 请留下联系地址。

To which address did you send it? 你把东西寄到哪个地址去了?

He gave neither name nor address. 他既没有留下姓名,也没有留下地址。

Please send the parcel to the above address. 请把包裹寄到上述地址。

I would write to her, but I don’t know her address. 我会给她写信的,就是不知道她的地址。

另外,还要注意以下搭配:“家庭住址”“私人住址”是home address / private address,“办公地址”是business address,“回信地址”是return address,“邮寄地址”是postal address,“详细地址”是full address,“固定地址”是fixed address

2. 用作动词,注意以下用法:

(1) 表示“写地址”或“写信给”。如:

Please address these letters. 请把这些信写上地址。

The card was wrongly addressed to our old home. 那张明信片误写了我们的旧地址。

(2) 表示“向……讲话”(及物),属正式用法。如:

The mayor addressed the crowd. 市长向群众讲话。

Address your remarks to me, please. 请把你的意见向我说吧。

(3) 用于 address oneself to, 意为“着手”“致力于”。如:

She addressed herself to the main difficulty. 他致力地解决主要困难。


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