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文章作者:何素秀    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2010-10-25
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. Heres what you asked for. ________.

A. Many thanks            B. Thank a lot             C. Thanks you              D. Very thank

2. I wont accept their offer, ________ favorable the conditions.

A. how                        B. however                 C. no matter D. no matter however

3. The police still havent found her, but theyre doing all they ________.

A. may                        B. can                         C. must                       D. will

4. Energy is ________ makes one work.

A. what                       B. something                C. anything                  D. that

5. We couldnt have picked ________ day for the picnic it rained nonstop.

A. a worse                   B. a worst                    C. the worse                D. the worst

6. The phone is ringing. ________ it.

A. Im going to get       B. Ill get                      C. I get                        D. Ive got

7. I left my pen on the desk and now its gone; who ________ it?

A. took                        B. has taken                  C. will take                   D. had taken

8. The film star walked to his car, ________ a crowd of journalists.

A. followed by              B. following by             C. to follow                  D. to be followed by

9. Where is David? He is upstairs ________ ready to go out.

A. to get                        B. getting                    C. to be getting              D. having got

10. The modern history of Italy dates from 1860, ________ the country became united.

A. when                        B. if                            C. since                        D. until

11. We cant move into the new flat ________ the other tenants have moved out.

A. since                        B. when                       C. until                        D. as

12. He imagines that people dont like him, ________ they do.

A. and                           B. then                        C. so                            D. but

13. Shes always finding ________ with the way I do things.

A. fault                          B. faults                      C. mistake                     D. mistakes

14. The classroom is almost empty, where is ________?

A. someone                    B. anyone                    C. everyone                   D. no one

15. ________ one old lady, the bus was empty.(www.yygrammar.com)

A. Except                       B. Except for               C. But                            D. Besides


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