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13. 季节名词前可用冠词吗

英语中表示季节的4个名词,即spring, summer, autumnwinter。它们前面是否使用冠词,应注意以下几点:

(1) 在通常情况下,其前不用冠词。如:

Spring is my favourite season. 春天是我最喜欢的季节。


He died in the summer of 1979. 他在1979年夏天去世。


The spring was foul this yearit was cold and wet for weeks. 今春天气恶劣,一连几个星期又冷又潮湿。

The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring. 指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天进行。

(2) 当季节名词前有during, (all) through, throughout, over, most of等词时,一般要用定冠词。如:

He lets out his house to tourists during the summer. 他夏天把房子租给游客。

They worked on the building all through the winter. 他们整个冬天都在建这座楼。

We’re planning to keep the cottage on over the summer. 我们打算夏天继续租那座别墅。

It rained for most of the spring. 春天大部分时间都下雨。

(3) 当季节名词前有介词in时,用不用the均可。如:

In (the) summer we go on holiday. 夏天我们常去度假。

In (the) spring leaves begin to grow on the trees. 树木在春天开始长出叶子。


She’ll be coaching all (the) summer. 她整个夏天将要做辅导工作。

I haven’t seen her all autumn. 我整个秋天都没看到她。

(4) 当季节名词受描绘性定语修饰时,其前通常要用不定冠词。如:

We don’t often have a cold winter here. 我们这儿的冬天一般不冷。

They say we’re going to have a hot summer. 据说今年夏天很热。

14. 表示一日三餐的名词前可以用冠词吗

表示一日三餐的名词主要指breakfast, lunch, supper,其前是否使用冠词,注意以下几点:

(1) 原则上说,表示一日三餐的名词前不用冠词。如:

Breakfast is served until 9 a.m. 早餐一直供应到上午9点。

They were having supper when I arrived. 我到达时,他们正在吃晚餐。

(2) after, at, before, during, for, over, since, without等介词搭配时,也不用冠词。如:

We got off immediately after lunch. 我们吃完午餐就动身了。

Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好。

It happened at [during] lunch. 此事发生在吃午饭的时候。

I nearly always go home for lunch. 我差不多总是回家吃午饭。

She scanned the newspaper over breakfast. 她吃着早饭把报纸大略看了一遍。

I haven’t eaten since breakfast. 我吃了早饭后到现在还什么都没吃呢。

I had to go without breakfast this morning as I was in a hurry. 我今早很匆忙, 只好不吃早饭了。

(3) 若特指某一顿早、中、晚餐,则可在其前加定冠词或其他限定词。如:

Thank you for the breakfast. 谢谢你的这顿早餐。

After that breakfast, I never saw her again. 吃了那顿早餐后,我就再没有看到过她。

(4) 若受到描绘性定语的修饰,其前通常要用不定冠词。如:

We had a working lunch. 我们吃了一顿工作午餐。

He takes a packed lunch to work. 他带包好的午饭上班。

We had a good breakfast before leaving. 我们动身前好好吃了顿早饭。

I’ve got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast. 我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯。


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