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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2011-01-23
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I once found out that doing a favor for someone could get you into trouble. I was in the eighth grade at ___1___ time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl next to me ___2___ something, but I didn’t quite catch it. ___3___ I leaned over her way and found out she was asking me if I could ___4___ her a pen. She showed me that hers was ___5___ ink and ___6___ not write. I ___7___ to have an extra one and I handed it to her.

After the test papers had been ___8___, the teacher asked me to stay in the room. As soon as we were ___9___, she began to talk to me about ___10___ it meant to grow up, and how important it was to stand ___11___ your own feet. For a long time, she talked about the importance of ___12___ and the harm of cheating, she made me ___13___ that I would think seriously about what she’d said. I kept ___14___ for quite a while why she had to talk to me about all those things.

Later, I found out that she ___15___ I had done some cheating in the test, and ___16___ answers from the girl’s test paper. I managed to ___17___ about the pen, but she said ___18___ seemed very wrong to her that I didn’t mentioned anything about it ___19___ she talked to me right after the test. I am sure she continued to believe that I had cheated in the ___20___ of the test.

1. A. any                       B. a                            C. the                         D. one

2. A. whispered              B. shouted                  C. spoke                     D. talked

3. A. But                        B. Because                 C. And                        D. So

4. A. spare                     B. change                   C. share                      D. borrow

5. A. without                  B. off                         C. out of                     D. lack

6. A. would                    B. should                    C. must                       D. might

7. A. used                      B. happened                 C. seemed                   D. found

8. A. handed over           B. handed out               C. handed around         D. handed in

9. A. lonely                    B. together                   C. alone                       D. both

10. A. that                     B. which                      C. what                       D. how

11. A. on                       B. against                     C. with                        D. towards

12. A. test                      B. study                       C. honesty                   D. trust

13. A. agree                    B. promise                   C. insist                       D. allow

14. A. discovering           B. wondering                C. finding                    D. understanding

15. A. thought                 B. concluded                C. recognized               D. regarded

16. A. copied                  B. judged                      C. found                      D. corrected

17. A. quarrel                  B. explain                     C. argue                       D. prove

18. A. that                       B. this                          C. it                            D. I

19. A. the moment            B. before                      C. after                       D. once

20. A. end                        B. beginning                 C. course                     D. way



1. Cat one time 意为同时;曾经at the time 意为当时,在那个时候at a time意为每次, 在某时at any time 意为任何时候。根据语境可知作者在回忆过去的事情,当时我在八年级,因此答案为 C

2. A。根据 something 排除不及物动词 shout talkspeak 当及物动词时以为(某种语言)”不合语境;因此答案为 Awhisper 意为低声说,符合语境也符合考试常识。

3. Dso 前后的句子是因果关系。考试期间,我邻座的女孩低声说什么,我听不太清楚,所以我俯身朝她那边。

4. Aspare 意为分让change 意为兑换share 意为共用borrow 意为借用。根据本段末句中的 have an extra one 可得到提示得知答案选 A。我得知她问我是否能给她腾出一支钢笔。

5. Cout of 意为缺乏

6. Awould will 的过去时,表示表示倾向性。她告诉我她的钢笔没有墨水,就要写不出字来了。又如:Matches will not strike if they are damp. 火柴潮湿就擦不着。

7. Bhappen to 和动词连用意为偶然;碰巧。我碰巧有额外的一支并递给了他。

8. Dhand over 意为移交hand out 意为分发hand around 意为传递();分发hand in 意为交上。根据上下文语境可知,考试结束后老师让我留在教室里,因此是交卷以后,故答案为 D

9. C。根据此空作表语排除选项 BDlonely alone 都可作表语,但 lonely 表示主观上孤独的alone 表示客观上单独的。根据语境答案为 C                 

10. Cwhat 引导的从句作 talk about 的宾语,并在从句中作 meant 的宾语。

11. Astand on one’s own legs / bottom / feet 意为自立

12. C。根据后文可知此处老师是误认为我考试作弊,所以给我讲诚实的重要性和作弊的害处。

13. Bagree 意为同意promise 意为允诺,答应insist 意为坚持,强调admit 意为容许,承认。根据此处语境是老师让我许诺认真考虑他说的话。因此答案为 B

14. Bwonder 意为……感到惊讶, 惊奇, 想知道。我很长时间都在纳闷老师为什么选择和我谈那些事情。

15. A。后来我发现老师认为我考试作弊了。

16. Acopy 意为抄袭,符合语境。老师认为我从那女孩的试卷上抄袭答案。

17. Bquarrel 意为吵架, 争论explain 意为解释,说明argue 意为争论,辩论prove 意为证明,证实。根据语境是向老师解释关于钢笔的事情,因此答案为 B

18. Cit 作形式主语,把真正的that主语从句放在后面。

19. Athe moment 是名词词组用作连词,引导时间状语从句,作用相当于 as soon as,意为…………”。又如:We see the lightening the moment it happens, but we hear the thunder later. 一闪电我们就能看见,然后才听见雷声。

20. Cin the course of 意为……期间。我确信她继续认为我在考试期间作弊。

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