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文章作者:Green    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2011-03-16
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. On the bus I caught a sight of my English teacher.

2. Wish you a good luck.

3. Sometimes I go to school by a taxi.

4. I didn’t go to the bed until midnight last night.

5. Students are not allowed to smoke in the class.

6. A girl as she is, she is very fond of boxing.

7. Tom is my the best friend.

8. At last he turned a writer.

9. He came into the classroom, a book in hand.

10. He is the captain of the team.

11. She often watches the TV news at the noon.

12. What do you often have for the breakfast?

13. I prefer playing the piano to playing the football.

14. She is the most warm-hearted.

15. What a fine weather it is!

16. There is a car waiting in the front of the classroom.

17. We elected him a monitor.

18. He worked hard, succeeded at the last.

19.She wants to buy a clothes today.

20.Happy the New Year.(www.nmet168.com)


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