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文章作者:Green    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2011-03-16
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. This is so important meeting that everyone must attend it.

2. The meeting turned out to be failure.

3. I will call on Greens this evening.

4. In 1980’s, many farmers rushed into the cities to try their luck.

5. She is more beautiful of the twins.

6. Please pass me pen on the desk.

7. I found a notebook and pencil when the door opened.

8. What he wanted to do at that time was to have big dinner.

9. What wonderful time you had at the party!

10. We went to Summer Palace yesterday.(www.nmet168.com)


1. meeting 前加不定冠词a

2. failure 前加不定冠词a。当failure表具体所指时,应加a

3. Greens前加定冠词thethe Greens表“格林一家”。

4. 1980’s前加定冠词the。年代前面要加the

5. more 前加the。当比较范围比较明确时,需加定冠词the

6. pen 前加the。表特指。

7. pencil 前加anotebookpencil为并列成份。后面的不定冠词不能省略。

8. big 前加adinner习惯上不加冠词。但当dinner前面有修饰词限定时,要加a

9. wonderful 前面要加a

10. Summer Palace 前加the the Summer Palace(颐和园)固定搭配


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