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文章作者:hmwritin…    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2011-04-09
        ★★★ 【字体:




1. 我说两个小时的时候,那是包括了吃饭的时间。

误:When I say two hours, which includes the time for eating.

正:When I say two hours, that includes the time for eating.

析:许多同学往往想当然地认为在逗号后面总是用 which 引导定语从句,而不用 that。其实,本句中的 that includes the time for eating 不是定语从句,而是主句(that 用作主句主语),其前的 when I say two hours 为状语从句。

2. 你应该更注意练习你的英语口语。

误:You should pay more attention to practise your spoken English.

正:You should pay more attention to practising your spoken English.


3. 几年前,对大多数中国人来说,在家里有一台电脑的想法还是不大现实的。

误:Just a few years ago, the idea to have a computer in one's home seemed very difficult for most Chinese.

正:Just a few years ago, the idea of having a computer in one's home seemed very difficult for most Chinese.


4. 尽管他只有十六岁,但是他已经学会用英语和外国人交谈了。

误:Although he is a boy of sixteen, but he has learned to talk with the foreigners in English.

正:Although he is a boy of sixteen, he has learned to talk with the foreigners in English.

正:He is a boy of sixteen, but he has learned to talk with the foreigners in English.


5. 他迟到的原因是因为他没赶上早班车。

误:The reason why he was late is because he didn’t catch the early bus.

正:The reason why he was late is that he didn’t catch the early bus.

析:许多同学认为“因为”表原因就用because,但在此句The reason whyis thatthat引导表语从句,无实际意义。

6. 他说他将尽最大努力学好英语。

误:He said he would do what he could learn English well.

正:He said he would do what he could to learn English well.

正:He said he would do / try his best to learn English well.



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