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1. bargain

(1)You can get even better deals if you are prepared to ________(讨价还价).2011全国卷II

(2)The car was a        (廉价货) at that price.2006陕西卷)

【答案】(1) bargain (2) bargain

2. invent

(1) Alexander Graham Bell became famous overnight by ________(发明)the telephone.2011陕西卷)

(2) Alexander Graham Bell i          the telephone.2006浙江卷)

【答案】(1) inventing (2) invented

3. habit

(1) Jeff has the ________ (习惯) of listening to music while reading.2010陕西卷)

(2) Parents should help their children to form good ________ (习惯).1997全国卷)

【答案】(1) habit  (2) habits

4. remind

(1) She ________ (提醒) me that I hadn’t written to Mother.2010全国卷II

(1) The photo will r________ me of the days when we were together.2007浙江卷)

【答案】(1) reminded (2) remind

5. finger

(1) He was about to speak but she raised but she raised a ________ (手指) to her lips.2009陕西卷)

(2) Pauline had a ring on her f________, so I guessed she was married.2005浙江卷)

【答案】(1) finger  (2) finger

6. translate

(1) The book is________(翻译) from Russian.1998全国卷)

(2) The story was first written in English and later ________ (翻译) into Chinese.2008全国卷II

【答案】(1) translated  (2) translated

7. broadcast

(1) They football game was _________(播出) live on TV across Europe.2007全国卷)

(2) Does Radio Beijing ________(播送) the news every hour on the hour?1996全国卷)

【答案】(1) broadcast / broadcasted  (2) broadcast

8. accept

(1) They offered me a ticket for the concert, and I a________ it with delight.2007浙江卷)

(1) I am pleased that he gladly ________ (接受) our invitation.1997全国卷)

【答案】(1) accepted  (2) accepted

9. separate

(1) The little girl got ________ (分开) from the group in the dark.2005全国卷)

(2) A fence at the back of the garden ________(分开) us from the neighbors.1998全国卷)

【答案】(1) separated  (2) separates / separated

10. weather

(1)The w________ in the hills can change very quickly, so take suitable clothes.2006浙江卷)

(2)What will the________(天气) be like tomorrow?1998全国卷)

【答案】(1) weather  (2) weather


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