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文章作者:Bais    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2012-05-04
        ★★★ 【字体:




“Wanted. Violin can’t pay much. Call…”

The ad made me remember my childhood. I, too, had wanted a violin. But we didn’t have the ___1___. Even though times were hard, I couldn’t ___2___ any longer to ask, “Daddy, may I have a __5__ of my own?” Daddy’s face looked ___4___. But a few weeks later, Daddy went home with a case, saying “Mary, I found this ___5___ violin for seven dollars.”

The next day I carried my violin to school for my first __6__, and no one could know the __7___ in my heart. I practised, joined the school orchestra(管弦乐队), gave performances… Several ___8___ seemed to run more quickly and then I ___9___ myself in the first violin chair. More years passed. My violin ___10___ every move with me, and I carefully ___11___ it away.

Now here I was with the newspaper. I found the case ___12___ in my closet. I put it on the table. Then I picked up the ___13___, walked to the telephone and __14__ by means of the number.

Later in the day, a man in his thirties ___15___ the door. “I’ve been expecting someone would ___16___ my ad. My daughter wants a violin so ___17__. ” He said, examining my violin, “How much are you asking?”

Any music store, I knew, would ___18___ me higher pay. But now I heard my voice answer, “Seven dollars.”

“Are you ___19___?” he asked, which caused me to think so much of Daddy.

“Seven dollars.” I repeated and then added, “I hope your little girl will enjoy it as I did.” I smiled, but I found my __20__ rolling down.(www.nmet168.com)

1. A. chance              B. hope                     C. money                  D. paper

2. A. wait                 B. stay                      C. last                      D. keep

3. A. car                   B. pen                      C. toy                       D. violin

4. A. angry               B. sad                       C. hopeful                D. frightening

5. A. new                  B. priceless               C. expensive             D. second-hand

6. A. lesson               B. chance                  C. performance         D. concert

7. A. violin               B. excitement            C. sadness                 D. result

8. A. days                 B. years                    C. months                 D. weeks

9. A. saw                  B. let                        C. found                   D. made

10. A. took               B. made                    C. caused                  D. brought

11. A. carried            B. sent                      C. took                     D. put

12. A. deep               B. deeply                  C. next                     D. close

13. A. photo              B. violin                   C. case                     D. newspaper

14. A. shouted           B. said                      C. called                   D. hung

15. A. broke into       B. knocked at            C. knocked into         D. broke away

16. A. see                 B. answer                  C. receive                 D. accept

17. A. badly              B. quickly                 C. soon                     D. often

18. A. lend                B. offer                    C. show                    D. wish

19. A. sorry              B. willing                 C. sure                     D. ready

20. A. sweat              B. eyes                     C. heart                    D. tears

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