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文章作者:未知    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2012-05-06
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When I come across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to ___1___ and keep it. But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the ___2___ side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the ___3___ to keep in good health, or advice about how to behave and conduct oneself in ___4___. If I cut the front article, the opposite one is likely to suffer ___5___, leaving out half of it or keeping the ___6___ without the title. Therefore, the scissors would ___7___ before they start, or halfway done when I find out the regretful ___8___.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both ___9___ your attention. You can only take up one of them, ___10___ has to wait or be given up. But you know the ___11___ is unpredictable—the changed situation may not allow you to do what is ___12___ behind. Thus you are caught in a difficult ___13___ and feel sad. How ___14___ that nice changes and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life changes greatly on your ___15___ of one choice to the other.

In fact that is what ___16___ is like: we are often faced with the two opposite ___17___ of a thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is ___18___ to one thing only after we get into another. The former may be more important than the ___19___ and give rise to a divided mind. I still remember a philosopher’s remarks: “When one door shuts, another opens in life.” So a casual ___20___ may not be a bad one.(www.yygrammar.com)

1. A. cut                   B. collect                  C. buy                      D. print

2. A. other                B. opposite                C. front                    D. back

3. A. way                  B. situation               C. manner                 D. attitude

4. A. class                 B. society                  C. play                     D. designing

5. A. pain                 B. damage                 C. wound                  D. injury

6. A. test                   B. word                    C. paper                   D. text

7. A. use                   B. cut                       C. stay                      D. continue

8. A. condition          B. result                    C. pain                     D. trouble

9. A. value                B. worth                   C. means                  D. favourite

10. A. anther             B. one                      C. the other               D. the rest

11. A. future             B. past                      C. force                    D. dream

12. A. remained         B. left                       C. worried                D. interested

13. A. position          B. surrounding          C. ground                 D. part

14. A. dares              B. comes                   C. deals                    D. happens

15. A. dislike            B. job                       C. feeling                 D. preference

16. A. cutting            B. life                       C. weather                D. friendship

17. A. methods          B. conditions             C. sides                    D. opening

18. A. drawn             B. placed                  C. paid                     D. put

19. A. head               B. latter                    C. above                   D. below

20. A. action             B. remark                 C. movement            D. choice

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