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文章作者:admin    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2012-10-29
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One day Fred and I found my largest sheep was gone. I know it wasn’t a dog that had done it, because the rest of the sheep were ___1___. It could have been a(n) ___2___ or it could have been the Godfreys, Turpins, Harries or Freedoms. They were the families that did everything ___3___ in the country.

Fred and I walked along the fence, looking for ___4___. Some of the fence stones at a pile had been knocked ___5___ together with a little wool on a branch of the fence. Outside the fence were ___6___ marks of work boots among a lot of ___7___ footprints. It was quite clear that it was the ___8___ of only one man, whose footprints kept ___9___ Fred until he was sure that were all ___10___.

On the way to report to the police, I did some ___11___. All the Freedoms were already in prison. The Harries were all ___12___ and the doctor said that none of them could get out of bed for a week. So it was either a Turpin or a ___13___.

But soon after a visit to Albert Wrigley’s ___14___ I found we were not 100% right. We happened to find, in the shop window, ___15___ work boots, both for the right feet. Where were the other two for the ___16___ feet? … Albert told us that the Turpins had gone to Danbury and were still there.

So that ___17___ after everyone was in bed, Fred and I stole into the Goldfrey’s place where a large basin of blood was ___18___ in the yard. Soon after that I found my sheep’s skin on top of a pile of rubbish.

The next morning ___19___ the police caught him, Sam, the youngest Godfrey boy, had been trying to run away in those left-footed work boots he had ___20___ from Albert’s store.

1. A. calm                 B. noisy                    C. running                D. sleeping

2. A. thief                 B. accident                C. sheep                   D. dog

3. A. interesting         B. bad                      C. secret                   D. good

4. A. a break             B. a sheep                 C. a branch               D. a stone

5. A. out                   B. down                    C. loose                    D. away

6. A. finger               B. foot                      C. shoe                     D. walk

7. A. man                 B. dog                      C. sheep                   D. deer

8. A. wonder             B. work                    C. face                     D. footprint

9. A. asking              B. questioning           C. troubling              D. seeking

10. A. right-footed     B. left-footed            C. left-handed           D. right-handed

11. A. shopping         B. stealing                 C. thinking               D. reporting

12. A. disabled          B. dead                     C. sick                      D. feverish

13. A. Albert             B. Freedoms              C. Godfrey               D. Harries

14. A. yard               B. store                     C. factory                 D. house

15. A. two                B. three                    C. four                     D. five

16. A. right               B. left                       C. other                    D. rest

17. A. day                 B. night                    C. morning               D. afternoon

18. A. poured            B. frozen                  C. found                   D. left

19. A. after               B. though                  C. while                   D. before

20. A. caught            B. wore                    C. stolen                   D. broke

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